Braces and lipstick


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Jun 2, 2014

Kaleigh D.

I got my braces off today(after 2.5 years) and now I feel like I can actually wear lipstick. What colors might you suggest? Sorry about the pic... this was at the ortho!

Jun 2, 2014

Janet B.

Maybe a pale pink, not too different from your lip colour, so you can get used to how it looks first, without trying any dramatic colours.

(btw, soooo jealous of you right now! My braces are still on, but are coming off in exactly a month's time!)

Jun 2, 2014

Katherine W.

Any colour that you feel confident in! I honestly think so many colours would suit you, so try some fun ones to see what you like. Your smile is great! I just got my braces on last month.😪

Jun 2, 2014

Bry R.

I haven't seen a person yet who can't pull off a certain color. Confidence is key (and properly applying it so you don't look like a clown). I would start out with natural colors them slowly working your way into dramatic colors. But only if you'd feel more comfortable that way. If not, jump right into the reds and purples and rock it!