Cold Sore Help!!\:


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Jun 3, 2014

Paige S.

So This Is The First Time I've Gotten aCold Sore And iJust Want It To Go Away!!): Any Tip On Making It Leave Faster??

Jun 3, 2014

Mya T.

They suck! And they usually last for 2 weeks. First they'll start out as a bubble like what you're at, then they'll pop and scab up! Don't wear any lip products at all besides Carmex! Last time I got a cold sore I put Carmex on right away, then I put on abreva to spot treat it. Next day, it was gone! But remember, treAt it as soon as possible before it worsens. Since mine was literally so small and young ( like a couple hours old) I treated it and it went away. Since yours is big, treat it now before it grows bigger and it will heal faster.

Jun 3, 2014

Paige S.

Thanks Ladies iWill Try Everything!! Just Want It Gone!!\:

Jun 3, 2014

Shiro M.

Remember to be taking in plenty of vitamin C!

Jun 3, 2014

Erica M.

I had a cold sore lie that once for almost two weeks and finally looked it up and used apple cider vinigar on it. Within the first application the swelling went down and it felt so much better. I applied about 3 times a day and within two or 3 days it was gone I highly recemend it!

Jun 3, 2014

M G.

Use abreva and take Lysine daily to prevent them from comn back. also dnt pick or touch it, thtll make it worst.

Jun 3, 2014

Amy A.

I get them about twice a year. Honestly my least favorite thing ever. I usually grab ice and put it directly on it as SOON as I notice it. Cold sores feed on warm moisture. The ice will help it not get as big, but only if done right away. Then I usually try to dry it out first. I honestly have done some pretty extreme stuff. Usually I get a sterile needle and poke it open when it is filled with puss, then put peroxide directly on if with a q-tip to dry it out. This helps it not get as big and really kills the cold sore pretty well. I do that really often. Sometimes I put toothpaste on it too. I only use carmex when I am sure it is not getting bigger and no more puss is filling it, when it looks like just a scan. Then the carmex will heal the scab and bring the skin back together. That's usually the longest part but compared to having a huge pussy blistery sore in your lip for weeks, a little dry scab is nothing. Mine can usually be gone in maybe 4 days when I do it like this... not sure but if I catch it soon enough it doesn't last long or get big.

One mode thing. Look up Lysine and Argentine foods on the Internet. Cold sores feed on Argentine. It's found it nuts, and chocolate especially but a lot of other things. Lysine fights it. It's found in a lot of dairy products. I usually eat a ton if cheese, milk, yogurt and stuff when I get a cold sore. I've never tried Lysine pills but I'm sure that would really help a lot.

Jun 3, 2014

Shaye M.

Go to the chemist and ask for an over the counter cold sore cream, they're my first go to option when I get one. Also, dabbing a bit of perfume on it when it's first beginning can help stop it advancing but yours is already there. I've recently just got rid of one and my top lip is still tender when I'm taking lipstick off, I definitely recommend going to a dr/drugstore/chemist etc.and just get a cold sore cream. It'll help heal it faster, make it less dehydrated and help with the scabbing (it sucks when it starts to go away and you bump it)

Jun 3, 2014

Kirsten H.

Vanilla extract and witch hazel dry them out faster! Also, if you go to a Walgreen's clinic or something they will probably prescribe valtrex which makes it go away in around 3 days rather than 14.

Jun 3, 2014

Kirsten H.

Also, try to avoid too much vitamin c, that can trigger them or make them worse. Abreva never worked for me, personally. I hear that putting toothpaste on it over night dries it out and shrinks it.

Jun 4, 2014

Ty R.

Blistex always worked wonders for me.