Need a new look! (pics please)


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Jun 4, 2014

Tabbitha S.

So I need a new look I'm tired of having the same hair color. I've always been red I don't mind my red its just I need ideas to spice it up a bit. or if you think something else would look good ill keep it in mind as well. any ideas?

Jun 4, 2014

Hannah K.

My suggestion would be to dye your tips purple; with sort of a fade effect. I have my hair purple fade to red right now, and it's a really pretty color combination. It's hard to get a good picture of, though, sorry! But a red-toned purple would suit your skin tone and work really well with your current hair color.

Jun 4, 2014

Breeze T.

Wow, I love that idea, Hannah!!
Red tips would be so cool!