I want long hair as fast as possible.


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Jun 4, 2014

Emily W.

Nothing can make it faster than its maximum natural growth rate, which is determined by genetics. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, get plenty of exercise, stay hydrated, and avoid damaging the hair with heat or tightly pulled styles. Get regular trims to keep split ends at bay; left unchecked they will continue to split up the hair shaft and cause breakage.

Jun 4, 2014

Emily W.

Also, before any gives any "advice" about taking pills: do not take any supplements without first speaking to your doctor. Taking vitamins without a deficiency can cause a myriad of side effects, and can interact with prescription medications. Biotin, the vitamin complex in the "Hair/Skin/Nails" pills, is present naturally in your food. Taking extra will not increase its effectiveness, but rather end one of two ways: being expelled in your urine (flushing your money away as well), or causing bad side effects from acne to serious illness requiring hospitalization.

Talk to your physician before raiding the local GNC.

Jun 4, 2014

Hannah K.

Was just about to write exactly what Emily said.

Jun 4, 2014

Emily B.

The best way to help hair grow to it's full potential is keeping it healthy. Drink lots of water, eat a health diet and avoid heat for your hair. Find a good shampoo and conditioner to help prevent damage, personally I like garnier damage eraser line. Keeping it loosely braided at night can keep damage from happening too. Also regular trims to stop split ends and a weekly deep conditioner such as coconut oil

Jun 4, 2014

nino l.

If you really badly want hair to grow faster you take a amount full of garlic press the juice of it and apply to your head scalp before you go till sleep. the bad is the smell butt it works for men who have problems with falling hair and women who wants long hair. this metod has been in Egypt for over 5000 years. and I do think it works. but if you want somthing you have to do it the ugly way and that is the smell.