Help me clear this up!


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Jun 5, 2014

Shaye M.

Okay so I can't figure out why I'm breaking out right now, it's been about a week and they just don't seem to want to heal or go away. They aren't too bad but I'm not used to it, is it possible to breakout from purchasing a lighter shade of the same foundation you've been using for the last 6 months? That's the only thing I can think of but I'm not sure if that's even possible. Any ways to clear them up a little faster? Will using a toner at night help? Or will that only work for oily people, I have dry/normal skin. Thanks girls, just a little annoyed by it haha. 😣😢

Jun 5, 2014

Alicia C.

Do you wash your make up brushes regularly? Bacteria on them can sometimes cause break outs.

Jun 5, 2014

Kat S.

I don't think changing the color would cause that but it's possible they changed their formula. More likely however would be stress, not washing your face enough...or too much, it's getting warmer out so maybe it's caused by sweat, hormones, a change in diet. If you want to use toner just make sure it doesn't have alcohol in it or it will dry out your skin.

Jun 5, 2014

Shaye M.

I haven't worn makeup since I tried the foundation when I went out last (just over a week ago) and I clean my brushes regularly.

@Em, yeah there's a couple on my cheek an then the rest is pretty much my forehead which is strange as I usually only get one or two pimples a month that're like bad but there's quite a few on my forehead right now and it's sorta painful hahah.

Jun 5, 2014

Shaye M.

Yeah I do, I recently purchased new ones too so that's sortof out of the question, so weird! Maybe I'll give it a couple more days and see what happens, it's just so unusual to have them where they are for me so I'm just trying to heal them up and get em' to move on hahah.

Jun 5, 2014

Shaye M.

Thank you for your help :)

Jun 5, 2014

Jessica P.

Could be hormonal if your close to that time of month...those usual pop out on the cheeks, chin and jaw line.

Jun 5, 2014

Diana T.

It could be more internal than external are you on your period or have you been particularly stressed lately? Or maybe you have been eating a lot of junk food lately? It could be any number of things but just keep a good skin care routine with a gentle salicylic acid based cleanser, an alcohol free toner, and a noncomedogenic moisturizer n it should go away with time - it can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks for certain breakouts to heal depending on the type of acne n your skin type.

Jun 5, 2014

Samantha C.

Used any new hair products recently? :) My brothers hair gel was sweating down his face at school causing his acne to flair up ridiculously :(

Jun 5, 2014

Kira-louise S.

This happened to me! I always had combination skin and hardly ever got spots maybe one every couple of months but within 2 days my whole neck and face excluding my nose was covered in spots! I hadn't changed any products I removed make up before going to bed and washed my face in the morning - I had changed nothing but my skin just went crazy! I thought it was stress and thought it would clear up but no - 3 months later my skin is now dry to very dry and somewhat sensitive. It may just be a blip - don't fiddle with your face and try not to get stressed out about it.

And with toners the only one I have ever gotten on with is the one I'm using now as it has no alcohol in it where as any other ones I had tried before just stung my skin! I use Paula's Choice.

Jun 5, 2014

Amy S.

Is it by your hairline? Does it look like small red/or white bumps? Feel kinda itchy?

Jun 5, 2014

Amy S.

Can you take a pic of it and attach to this... if I can see it, I can have a better idea of what will help, and what may have caused it. In mean time, don't add acids or exfoliate. Just incase you do have contact dermatitis.