Piercing Help!! :(


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Jun 4, 2014

Jackie L.

So I got my helix piercing a YEAR AGO, and until NOW it hurts and its swollen! :( (they did pierce it with a gun and I'm sure she cracked my broke! Idk what to do.. I do clean it and I know its not infected because it doesn't have puss.. (It WS bleeding yesterday because I was laying on it at night...)

what do I do!!??
(the back part of my ear has a bump)

Jun 4, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

It sounds like you have a keloid.

Jun 4, 2014

Shauna S.

I think that maybe your body is rejecting the piercing. it should take 2-4 months for it to heal to the point where it doesn't hurt. cartilage never really heals so it might bleed from time to time if you sleep on it or hit it on something. I would try to disinfect it with salt water or alcohol. also call a piercing place and ask them their opinion or go in to see them. maybe the type of jewellery is causing a reaction to your skin.

Jun 4, 2014

Jess C.

Yeah agree with Renee and Shauna. I'm allergic to any fake jewelry so when I got my ears done at an early age for some reason every cheap earring I put in was hurting my ear after a few days and my mom was a little worried so she brought me back to the piercer and they said I was probably allergic to it and so she took me to the doctor and they confirmed that I am allergic to fake silver and gold 😰
Now I have my ears and belly button pierced the only weird thing is now if I take out any jewelry and leave it opened without anything in it... They'll close up ( my ears within a matter of hours my belly within a day)😫 anyways if it persist I recommend you seeing your doctor. Good luck!

Jun 4, 2014

Veronica M.

Mine still hurts after a year but it's because I never clean it.. But when I do, I spray it with hot water using a syringe without the needle, I do it twice day and you will see a difference on the third day. Otherwise it could be something else if this doesn't work.

Jun 5, 2014

Jackie L.

Do you guys recommend me taking it out?

Jun 5, 2014

Jackie L.

What is a keloid?

Jun 5, 2014

Shaye M.

For it to be bleeding a year after you got it is definitely strange, have you bumped it on anything? That's really the only thing that I can think of that'd bring on a reaction like this a year later but don't take it out just yet, go to a Piercing parlour or where you got it done and ask what they think it is first, if they suggest a remedy try it out for a week and if it doesn't work, that's when I'd be looking at taking it out. Try cleaning it twice a day with rock salt diluted in warm water, it may help.

Jun 5, 2014

Jackie L.

Okay, thank you so much everyone! I'm very worried, I'll try it! :)

Jun 5, 2014

Carien G.

No, I'm not saying that it is infected, but when it is and you take it out you'll lock the infection in. I suggest seeing a piercer or a doctor

Jun 6, 2014

Emily W.

If the person you went to pierced it with a gun, don't go back there. Go to a reputable parlor that practices sanitary piercing (using a needle) and ask their opinion. Guns are not sanitary, cause ragged wounds that are difficult to heal, and can shatter cartilage creating a small deformity in the ear as well as scar tissue.

If you see a piercer and they don't have any advice, go directly to a doctor. Do not remove the jewelry if it is infected or even suspicious, because the holes will close and trap the infection, creating an abscess.

How do you clean it? (What do you use, how often, what technique). Rough handling or over-cleaning will cause problems too.