How to minimize large pores??


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Jun 4, 2014

Suzy M.

My pores are huge for some reason and no matter how much I cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturize they don't shrink! any DIY home remedies or??

Jun 4, 2014

Suzy M.

I've never really had large pores before

Jun 4, 2014

Anna S.

If you whant you can use I primer like benefits POREfessionals to temporarily minimize your pores.

Jun 4, 2014

Jessica L.

I agree with Anna ^

Jun 4, 2014

Suzy M.

I have the baby skin by Maybelline but I want something to actually minimize them because I love not wearing makeup some days you know?

Jun 4, 2014

Zainub S.

Ice can help shrink them down or after washing your face, splash it with cold water. this closes and tightens the pores.

Jun 4, 2014

Viviana F.

Try the miracle blur. It's by loreal :)

Jun 5, 2014

Bri-bri L.

Mix baking soda and water to make a thick paste. Apply this on the area needed and do this everyday IF your skin can handle it. If your skin is sensitive to doing this everyday, so it at least 2 times a week. You will know when you should wash it off when it is dries up and almost back into powder form.

Try using clay masks twice a week as well. Clay masks will pull out the dirt and sebum in the pores. The dirt and sebum can actually be stretching your pores, making it appear larger than it already is. Use the baking soda method and clay masks to pull the dirt and oil out and gradually shrink your pores.

Jun 8, 2014

lysia w.

When you wash your face, end the process with splashes/rinsing your face off with cold water. Not only will it wake you up ( awesome for mornings lol ) it will make your pores want to close up. Think of it as when your cold, you wrap your self up real tight to keep warm. Ik that sounds weird but it works.