Horse Shampoo To Make Hair Grow Fast?


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Jun 4, 2014

Ashley H.

Okay so I really want my hair to grow faster and my frfriend said horse shampoo...thoughts?

Jun 4, 2014

Kyraa D.

She's probably referring to Main n' Tail, which doesn't make hair grow faster. the speed your hair grows is based on genetics, & you can't actually make it grow any faster. you can, however, prevent breakage by keeping your hair healthy :p

Jun 4, 2014

Marie R.

Yeah I agree. I was soooo close to buying it but then I did a bit more research and of course these lovely ladies shared things's just not a good idea to use it.

Jun 4, 2014

Alyx T.

The waxes in it weigh your hair down making it *appear* longer, so people show photos of their hair, weighed down, but like an inch and half "longer" but all it does is make it less voluminous and more straight.
It dries your hair out a ton, and it's more harm in the long run than you'd see in it weighing your hair down. I'd just buy a sulfate free shampoo and a good conditioner.

Jun 4, 2014

Andrea V.

I tought horse shampoo was used to make hair shinier, lol I don't know though I wouldnt use it either way.

Jun 4, 2014

Catherine T.

I'm Polynesian and there's penty of us that swear by it why our locks are long and voluminous! It's something we've all tried BUT I AGREE the ingredients aren't particularly good for your hair! I started using the L'oreal total repair 5 daily care products and make sure I have a good heat resistant formula when it comes to the straight iron and blow dryer. I find my hair growing softer and healthier! It's all about taking good care of your hair and making sure you get your vitamins :)

Jun 4, 2014

Catherine T.


Jun 4, 2014

Emily B.

I've heard very opposite reviews. These ladies can tell you what they've heard but I don't really see how they can give an honest review if they've never tried it themselves...everyone's hair is different. I have two friends who have gorgeous hair and they swear by it. The only bad reviews I've heard are online, or like this from people who haven't even tried it. There are chemicals in it that professionals say aren't good for your hair, so personally I stay away from it. But again, I can't review it very well because I've never tried it.

Jun 4, 2014

Ashley H.

Okay well... I am not going to buy it. I guess I'll just have to be patient with my hair. Thank you all for your helpful thoughts and reviews :)

Jun 4, 2014

Carrie B.

I used it when I was younger like 15 years ago. Didn't notice much difference. I'm using Not Your Mother's Long and Strong shampoo and I like it for a drugstore brand. My split ends and breakage has decreased which makes my hair seem to grow faster. However you can't really change the rate it grows much.

Jun 5, 2014

Sammi D.

Nothing you can do can speed up hair growth, unfortunately.