Sun-in? Yes? No?


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May 16, 2014

Laura R.

Hey ladies so I wanted to lighten my hair and I was going to try Sun-in but I was scared it would make my hair orange. Has anyone tried it and had a bad experience? I have dirty blond hair it's not too dark. Any recommendations or advice is greatly appreciated!!

May 16, 2014

Brooke B.

I used it when I had light brown hair it fried my hair to the point of no return and turned my hair a disgusting shade of orange I definitely do not recommend it. I believe John Frieda has a line for lightening hair and I think there's even one in that line called go blonder and I've heard nothing but good things about it I would check that out.

May 16, 2014

Brooke B.

found it!

May 16, 2014

Samantha S.

No really bad for your hair and turns it orange

May 16, 2014

Nicole B.

Omg that stuff is horrible!! I used it over the summer when I went away to college a while ago and when I came home to get my hair trimmed the first thing my hair dresser said was "don't tell me you used sun in" she said it is so horrible for you hair and it basically dried my hair out!! Ughh took forever to recover from it! I have dirty blonde hair as well and it did make my hair lighter like a really pretty blonde but I would rather have healthy dirty blonde hair then dry pretty blonde hair! Lol I usually get the cap high lights not at my salon and I love how they come out! They look so natural!!

May 16, 2014

Nicole B.

Cap highlights at my salon*

May 16, 2014

Nicole B.

Brooke I might try that stuff out as well! I never heard about it! When I didn't work and just went to the beach every day after school my hair got so much blonder from the sun but now since I work and go to school I don't have time for the beach, so I have to cheat over the summer and get high lights 😊

May 16, 2014

Laura R.

Okay lol seems like Sun-in is a definite NO! thanks ladies I will look into the John Frieda go blonder

May 16, 2014

Emily W.

I can't believe they still make that Sun-In crap. It is made from citric acid, which lightens your hair to a not-so-lovely shade of orange approximately 99% of the time, while simultaneously FRYING the living hell out of it.

Worse, if you get it on your skin you are in for a very bad time. Citric acid is photosensitive, meaning that in UV light it undergoes a chemical reaction. On skin, this leads to painful chemical burns with potential to scar.

The John Frieda stuff also contains citric acid, but in a much lower concentration and it is offset by conditioners and emollients. The lift from the Go Blonder products is much more subtle, and will look more natural. Be aware that it does not tone, so any sort of lightening will still be warm toned (think caramel rather than beige).

May 16, 2014

Natalie G.

Ya my sister used Sun in religiously (enough to where there wasn't any orange left/ like white blonde) and then one day she was straightening her hair and it literally singed of the top layers of her long halfway-down-her-back hair to where it was only like 3 inches long from her scalp. Definitely a no go. :/

May 16, 2014

Tia B.

I used it when I was in high school, my hair was off black. I wanted highlights so bad and I thought it would help but it didn't -_-. in the long run, it didn't really mess up my hair but it did smell kinda weird and it didn't do much color wise.