Help with this cream concealer!!


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May 13, 2014

Jesse T.

I have a cream concealer that's way too light, but it's a perfect highlighter. The only problem is that it is SO thick, and I don't want it that thick! Do any of you know how to thin it out, make it less thick?

May 13, 2014

Haley G.

I mix too thick concealers, like hard candy glamoflauge, with a liquidy silicone primer. makes it a dream to apply, the more primer added = sheerer products. a little goes a very long way!

May 13, 2014

Mya M.

Maybe put some on the back of your hand to warm it first.

May 13, 2014

Laura L.

Using a damp sponge will help blend in the concealer easier, and try not to use too much

May 13, 2014

Isabel M.

You could add in some moisturizer for that added glow!

May 13, 2014

Charlotte P.

Makeup blend mixed together with concealer would work well

May 13, 2014

Melanie T.

Don't take it straight from the pot if it's in a pot. even if it's not just take some on the back if your hand and spread it out. The heat from your hand should liquefy the consistency a bit.