Non chemical ways to lighten brassy hair?


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Jun 7, 2014

Jenna L.

I have natural brown hair, and it's been through a lot of damage haha.
I recently ombréd my hair blonde at the bottom but it's already gone pretty brassy. I absolutely hate have brassy hair. But at this moment, my hair can't handle another bleaching treatment.
Is there any natural ways to tone or lighten the hair without using bleach,

Jun 7, 2014

Sarah F.

I've heart that you can put pure honey on your hair, for like 15 minutes, then rince it with warm water and then wash it like usual. Honey contains a weak amount of peroxyde that is used in bigger quantity in bleaching powder. A beauty guru from my country did that on her hair and she became blonder. Also, it takes a few times for you to see the results, so do it before each shampoo for 1 or 2 months. Sorry I have nothing quicker :/

Jun 7, 2014

Aurora S.

If it's brassy all you need to do it tone it. You can get a purple shampoo or even make one using a pack of purple kool-aid and adding it to your shampoo to get a deep purple OR you can mix a little with your conditioner. If your going to mix it with conditioner make sure the color is a pastel purple. With conditioner the color has to be lighter because it doesn't have the sulfates and such like a shampoo so it'll adhere faster