Acne scars help.


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Jun 5, 2014

Bri A.

Use lemon juice and coconut oil. You can probably find both at a local Walgreens or health hutt, but make sure the coconut oil is organic and virgin :)

Jun 5, 2014

Didi K.

I use coconut oil and our tea tree oil. it helps s lot, and it's natural!??

Jun 5, 2014

Dereanna D.

I have a few on both cheeks as well, mine aren't as bad as they used to be since it's been quite some time now. What I do is just exfoliate, do face masks, and moisturize with a moisturiZer with salicylic acid in it (: they aren't entirely gone, but they are definitely not nearly as noticeable as they once were (:

Jun 5, 2014

Viviana F.

I dilute lemon juice and apply it to my face for 15 minutes. Also try honey :)