Facial hair on my face 😐


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Jun 6, 2014

Priscillaa S.

I don't know where to put this topic but I'm really confused , I want all my face hair to be gone but I do not know what's best , I heard that if I shave it off it will grow darker and thicker... What do you ladies think is best?

Jun 6, 2014

Brittany X.

Laser! I wax for now but am booking in as soon as my budget allows (priorties first) I hate any sort of facial hair on myself :L.

Jun 6, 2014

Laura D.

Wax it! Or go to the dermatologist to make lasers session to get them away

Jun 6, 2014

Marilyn N.

Don't shave

Jun 6, 2014

Bry R.

Honey I have a medical condition that gives me a full on beard. I've never noticed my beard getting thicker and I shave. I would wax it or laser remove it (though it can be quite expensive)

Jun 6, 2014

Z M.

Do NOT laser your face..especially if it's a peach fuzz. The laser places won't laser your face because the hair needs to be thick and dark if not you'll grow more hair.

Jun 7, 2014

Ajla N.

Waxing is cheap and it lasts longest. Do not laser your face if its only peach fuzz, it will only make it worse!

Jun 8, 2014

lysia w.

No girlfriend, I've found the best thing yet for my fuzz on the upper lip. Its called THE HAIR REMOVAL COIL. Omg its amazing! What it does is unlike shaving pulls your hairs right out from the root leading to slower hair growth and the hair doesn't grow back any thicker! You can by a pack from amazon for the cheapest as 2 bucks! Foe more information I suggest watching this

link: http://youtu.be/E3tV2-Glv_Q

Sure its a little painful but it woudnt be any less painful than a waxing. Trust me I've got the product myself!

Jun 8, 2014

Roz X.

Yipes! It looks like a Q-tip from Hell.

Jun 9, 2014

lysia w.

Haha! I know it looks weird but trust me its great!