Hair dilemma, suggestions and help please! 😔😉


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Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

So I've really been considering changing my hair to something else other then my blonde, I love it but my regrowth unfortunately even after bleaching comes out a pale pumpkin yellow colour and it doesn't even come close to how blonde my hair is currently so it looks a bit strange but I'm not sure if I'm willing to give bleaching my regrowth another go. So I've been thinking about going back to a bright red with maybe my silver under my fringe or somehow doing an ombré from light brown to blonde at the ends but I have NO idea how to go about doing that. What do you girls think? Also, staying blonde is an alternative if you think I should keep it, I'll just have to bleach my regrowth twice when I'm doing it, which will suck hahah. But I'd really like your opinions, I'm really open to anything right now! Thank you girls.

also, if any of you ladies have advice for doing ombré on blonde hair help a girl out haha! 💕

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

I tried to find a picture of the sort of ombré I like, I just really love that I could have a more natural colour on top to hide regrowth and still keep some of my blonde haha, my hairs a little longer than this but I have a lot of layers, that's what makes me nervous about doing it myself plus I literally suck at focusing on regrowth hahah 😣

Jun 6, 2014

Sabrina K.

That picture you found Shaye, that's what I'm going to get next month, I think it would look really good on you!
I also think a bright copper orange would be really cool!

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

@ Em My hair is naturally strawberry blonde but that colour brown is the closest brown shade to my regrowth so it really would help me to grow my hair out if I did it, I've watched a few videos on YouTube about how to do it but all those girls have lovely long one length hair and my hair is shorter so I can't just focus on the upper half of my head.. If that makes sense hahah.

@sabrina, Oooh, that could be nice too!

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

I think I'm just concerned I'll make a mistake trying to do the top half brown and end up with brown dye where it shouldn't be hahah

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

This is a picture of my hair in it's natural state so you get an idea of what I mean by layers I'm so scared to ruin my blonde lol!

Jun 6, 2014

Jess C.

I like the red and silver idea I don't see many people with that. It sounds really cool and I think it'll look good on you ( the red especially ) it's whatever you want in the end though , lol. And it'll be a lot easier. Everyone's doing ombré now. I just like to be different I guess 😱😅good luck though 💕

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

@ jess, girl I know what you mean I didn't really like ombré til like 2 weeks ago when I realised I want to change it just so I can stop bleaching my regrowth a little bit *hops on band wagon* hahah. I haven't had firetruck red hair for like 4 years but I still remember it was awesome hahah.

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

Thank you girls so much though, I'm so indecisive about these things.. Knowing me I'll be thinking on it for a few more weeks 😣 hahah. I'm used to just dying on a spur of the moment but right now it's all I think about lol!

Jun 6, 2014

Jess C.

Yeah I'd love to see that on you 😍 lol but yeah I get it usually when I dye my hair it's a spontaneous thing for me as well , lol. I like it don't get me wrong when I see it sometimes I'm like damn that looks sexy and it reminds me a little of Drew Barrymore how she kinda had it before anyone else ( in a way , lol)😝 anyways hope you can decide and can't wait to see it when you do you'll be beautiful either way 😘

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

Aw thanks so much girl, you're a sweetheart 💕 I'll let you know when I decide if I do it, for right now though I'm toning my hair hahah.

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.

Just had a thought.. Would a dark plum colour look weird? Hahah

I don't think it will look weird
I think it'll look nice
But I also like the red with silver idea

Jun 6, 2014

Erica G.

Shaye, again don't do it lol.keep your hair blonde. go to a salon and hsve them just do your roots for have soooo many options color wise with blonde if you use semi permanent colors with it. one week you can be red, orange, blue, purple, green lol. you like variety. that's the only way you'll get it without ruining your hair by keeping bleaching the whole thing.