Brazillian Wax Want To Try It.


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Jun 6, 2014

Amanda S.

Ok I've never had one before how bad is it? and how much do they cost?

Jun 6, 2014

Kimberly A.

They're not that bad, of course initially it might be uncomfortable but it's not unbearable. you can take pain reliever before to kind of ease how it might feel after you're done. make sure you do your research and read reviews about the facility you choose. they cost from 40-60 for a full brazilian.

Jun 6, 2014

Art I.

Read reviews.

Actually you can try any other waxing service at the place you might b considering too (like the legs). Just tell them it's your first time. Coz if they do any other waxing very briskly n rough, even though it's your first time then I would never trust them with Brazilian.

Jun 6, 2014

Cassandra C.

The first time is the worst because your roots are firmly in there, but the more you go the easier it is. Using a hard wax as opposed to the kinds with cloth strips hurts a lot less I've found. I used to go every four weeks and it was 60 with tip at a spa.

Jun 7, 2014

Jocelyn S.

Try gong to European Was Center. They use a really great wax, use the same technique at all centers, and it's over relatively quick. If you go elsewhere, Definitely do some Yelp research and make sure they use hard wax!! Soft wax with the strips is miserable.

Jun 8, 2014

Amy S.

This is part of what I do for a living. I don't recommend the wax centers. They don't spend the time to do it right, it basically the mcdonalds drive throigh of hair removal. Cheap yes, for a reason...

Will all my new wax clients, I suggest to ease into it. Exfoliate area the night before. Day of, wear loose pants, no underwaer. Before hand, estie should give you a antimicrobial wipe, and ask if you want disposable underwaer. And have you lay down. I perfer hard creme wax by berrins... the temp is soothing, and it pliable. Estie will wipe you down again, pit powder or oil down (I don't approve of oil method) and start waxing process.
Brazilians include labia, inner labia, and backside. Its very painful for first timers. Trust me. I always suggest getting the frech with back strip. E.I. the landing strip. And edperienced waxer knows tricks. I suggest you shop around.

Places likevwax centers have huge turn arounds, and attract recent grads. Not who I want waxing my vajayjay. And with that many girls bits passing through, I'd be a freak about sanatation,

P.s. when getting waxed, watch, those sticks should NEVER be double dipped