Acne On My Arms..


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Jun 10, 2014

Tracy W.

How do you treat that? I tried exfoliating and using my acne face wash on it but it doesn't go away.

Jun 10, 2014

Lisa S.

It might not be acne, it could just be dry skin. Try exfoliating with a mixture a sugar and coconut oil (I use Spectrum Virgin Oil). As for Lotion I recommend Aqauphor or Eucerin.

Jun 10, 2014

Mya T.

I have the same thing! It's called keratosis pilarisis. If it's been there for a long time rather than just a random sight then it's most likely keratosis pilarisis.

Jun 10, 2014

Tracy W.

How do you treat yours mya? I just Googled some images of keratosis Pilarisis and it's exactly what it looks like

Jun 10, 2014

Mya T.

Well everyone is different! Ugh, I hate it tbh! But putting lotion on in and moisturizing is a first step. Using coconut oil on it can also help, which many people who suffer from this works really well for them, but for me it decreased it but my arms got used to it and I found no use for it. One thing I really want to try is the Buffy body butter/body exfoliator from lush. I read reviews on it and many keratosis pilarisis people says it works really well! I haven't tried it but it's my last resort! Other than that, there's nothing because our bodies will just be producing more. I forgot to mention this is from our hair overproducing keratin (which helps our hair to grow), making bumps on our arms! Hope this helped!

Jun 10, 2014

Amy S.

Kp can be treated with micridermabrasion, glycolic peels and I like the product by shea moisture, the liquid black soap.

Jun 10, 2014

Amy S.

A good body oil applied after shower helps too.

Jun 10, 2014

Traci L.

I Agree with Amy you can also use glycolic creams like KP Duty and Amlactin and exfoliate using body gloves

Jun 10, 2014

Tracy W.

Thank're all amazing like always!