MOTD... Does it look as odd as I feel it does?


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May 30, 2014

Erin M.

It may be the lighting but I feel like your blush looks a little ashy on your skin in that first picture. But again , it could just be the lighting.

But I like the lipstick on your a lot! It's pretty. Other then that I feel like the black in your crease maybe shouldn't have been brought in quite as far? Maybe just a smudge less? I personally would make my liner a tad bit thicker but that's just a personal preference.

May 30, 2014

Janet B.

Lol! I always forget something! One day I turned up to school with my bra on top of my polo shirt! I was wearing my jumper and blazer for most of the morning, and only realised when it was time for chemistry and I took them off. The entire class started laughing, it was sooo embarrassing.

May 30, 2014

Maggie S.

It's not really a cut crease, but it is pretty. Your skin is flawless!

May 30, 2014

M G.

I looks really good!