Ball hair help URGENT!!


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May 31, 2014

Grace S.

Ok so I just got back from the hairdresser to get my ball hair done which is tonight, and I really don't like how it looks- I literally look like I just came off my big fat gypsy wedding. I don't know what to do, the hairdresser said the curls will drop by tonight but he put a LOT of hairspray in it so I think it might hold pretty well :L please help this is my first ball (similar to prom if you're in US) and I'm really upset cos it looks so bad. please don't just say it looks fine, can someone give me advice on how to fix it? thanks xx

May 31, 2014

Rachel M.

If you have time you could go back and have him change it? What exactly do you not like about it?

May 31, 2014

Jaden C.

Yeah reasons why you don't like it would help. If you think the curls are too right you could go over them lightly with a flat iron. That should help.

May 31, 2014

Jaden C.

Too tight*

May 31, 2014

Grace S.

It's just nothing like what I had in mind, which was going to be like a nice sleek updo. he said something like this would be better so I just went with it, but I just don't like the style in general, it's too big and curly- at the back it looks like an irish dancing wig.

May 31, 2014

Lody R.

You can try brushing the curls out with your fingers.

May 31, 2014

Jaden C.

If you would like to change it to an updo, that could also be something very easy you could do because you already have a base from what it looks like. I did a lot of hair for prom this year. You can always take sections of the curls & twist them & pin them in place in the back. It sounds hard but a messy look would be cute :) hope this helped.

May 31, 2014

Anabel M.

Put it upp. Or brush through it to get some waves instead of curls (:

May 31, 2014

Siena R.

I agree with Jaden C. Pull up and twist the curls and pin then where you want then until you get the look you want.

May 31, 2014

Pricilla G.

You can easily search something up on YouTube something you like and try to put it into an up-do!