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Dec 12, 2012

Jackie M.

I've heard it doesn't work but I've never tried it so is there anyone it actually does good for their skin?

Dec 12, 2012

Jessica P.

I have proactiv and I can honestly say that it's the only thing that works on my face for acne. I've tried drug store products to department store products and its the only thing that works for my super sensitive, oily skin. Hope you consider it! :)

Dec 12, 2012

Kelly E.

Well the renewing cleanser one doesn't do anything for me but the little one (I forget what it's called ) works really good

Dec 12, 2012

Dawn R.

It depends on your skin. I have friends that it works great on but it gave me big bumps on skin that hurt like a pimple but never came to a head. So it didn't work for my skin. Best way to know is to try it out. 

Dec 12, 2012

Hayley P.

I tried it back when I hit puberty and was having really bad breakouts and it definitely cleared me up! I've been thinking of purchasing it again, hoping it works as well as it did a few years back, especially since my breakouts aren't nearly as bad:)

Dec 12, 2012

Tia B.

I hate it. It dries out my skin and makes my acne worse. 

Dec 12, 2012

Ashlee C.

I think it all depends! I have nit personally used it but I know people that is worked amazing for and other that it didn't. I know a few people that at first it made it worse but then eventually it worked... I think it is getting all the shit out of your skin so it breaks out mire at first? And then when everything is at the top it clears it out. Hahaa that is just my guess though...

Dec 15, 2012

Katy M.

I used it when I was a teen and it really didn't work well for me. I have friends that have used it, and it worked great. I think it's one of those things where you won't really know until you've tried it. Once you find something, it'll usually get worse before it gets better. So if you do decide to try it, give it like a month to see if it works out. 

Dec 15, 2012

Lauren L.

It worked for me for a long time, but stop using it when your acne goes away! Once your skin is clear, limit use to once a week or less. I kept using it regularly and my doctor told me it actually damaged my skin- I had dry patches that required some intense serum thingy to fix because Proactiv works by drying out oily skin.

Dec 15, 2012

Kimberley H.

I have dry, sensitive skin and when I used it it didn't clear up any of my acne so I think it really depends on your skin type cause I have friends that it has worked for.

Dec 15, 2012

Ashley V.

I really hate proactive. It didn't do a thing for me. Plus I thought it was sort of like a scam, since they send you new products like every 3 months. I have very oily acne prone skin and proactive did not work out at all for me. 

Dec 15, 2012

Maria H.

I tried proactive when i was a teenager what can I say it made my forhead super bumpy with pimples that hurted.a lot it.made it worse I used it for a month the worst.acne ever in that.month n it kept.getting.worser. but my cousin wow.his face is so beautiful and.clean I'm guessing it depends.on your skin 

Dec 15, 2012

Sarah-jane B.

It depends on your skin type, I myself have used proactive but since I have sensitive skin made my skin all red, itchy and bumpy and really really dry which is weird because I have oily skin it did similar to my brother and sister's skin but they have different skin types once again. It's probably worth a shot and its not too expensive I myself use garnier pure cleanser, toner and moisturiser and my skin has never looked better, along with being on a pill (yas) specifically for pimple prone skin hope I helped. x

Dec 15, 2012

LaPorsha B.

I use proactiv and it does wonders for me!! I have oily skin and it does everything it says it does! The dark spot corrector is my favorite product and I love it!

Dec 16, 2012

Diana H.

I have oily acne prone skin but its also sensitive Proactiv wrks for me but I cant use the cleanser everyday its rather harsh

Dec 16, 2012

Kayla N.

I've had it and I found when I ran out but acne got worst than it ever was and it didn't work that well, I make just make sure I use makeup wipes in the morning and night before I go t bed, then put some nivea moisturizer on and my face is better than ever:) 

Dec 16, 2012

Mel S.


Dec 16, 2012

Kimberly E.

Murad is an amazing line that has amazing results. With many acne systems, your face may break out worse and then clear up. This is bc the medication is pulling out all the impurities. I recommend getting a Clarisonic as well. If you have bad acne consult your dr.

Dec 17, 2012

Alexandra P.

proactive did absolutely nothing for me :(

Dec 17, 2012

Alexandra P.

proactiv *

Dec 17, 2012

Ema D.

Proactiv worked for me very well. I used it for about a year. While using it my skin cleared up and I rarely had breakouts. I only stopped because I could no longer fit it into my budget anymore. My skin suffered as a result. Try it out for a while. I know some of the malls here in Georgia actually have kiosks where you can buy only what you want. 

Dec 17, 2012

Hannah H.

No I found it didn't work for me so I asked my doctor and he prescribed me something and that works the best but no proactive 

Dec 17, 2012

Ema D.

I'm now curious about the dark spot corrector. Anyone got reviews.

Dec 17, 2012

Genevieve D.

Never tried proactive but Clinique works well

Dec 17, 2012

Annette C.

I hated it! It did nothing for me but make me worse... And I used it for a long time to make sure II wasnt only breaking out worse because I just started using it... My skin never got any better.