Dressing As I Feel.


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May 22, 2014

Flores T.

Hi, a very important person in my life died today. tomorrow I have school, what should I wear? I don't know why but I feel as if I should go all black. what's your opinion and do you have black outfit suggestions?

May 22, 2014

Alexa W.

..if I were you I'd stay home

May 22, 2014

Lexi C.

Stay home...

May 22, 2014

Lizzy W.

I'm sorry to hear that. I say go for it. Everyone grieves in their own way, and it's understandable that you don't want to wear a super bright and peppy outfit when you're feeling so sad. Just wear something you feel comfortable in.

May 22, 2014

M G.

I agree with Lizzy. so sorry for your lost.

May 22, 2014

Jessica D.

Sorry for your loss!! But I wouldn't go to school tomorrow. Stay home and relax to give you time to recover.

May 22, 2014

Lara C.

If you feel like dreessing in black do it. you don't have to but if it makes you feel better do it. I would stay home and return on monday if I were you but its the end of the year so if you have tests stay strong. I'm sorry for your loss!

May 22, 2014

Jess S.

I'm very sorry for your loss.
If you want to wear black go for it, or stay at home :[

May 22, 2014

Tamara W.

First off I am sorry for your loss. secondly if wearing black is something you choose to then do it.

May 22, 2014

Cami F.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know personally how hard it is to loose someone so important to you, but just know it'll get better with time.
As for an outfit, go ahead and wear what you feel! If that's black, do it. I also think it may be fun to dress in their favorite color or something they liked to kind of honor and represent them. Good luck!

May 22, 2014

Eden E.

I am so sorry! I'd probably take a few days off, and then wear at least one item of black for a week or so. But honestly, you need time to grieve, so stay home a few days.

May 22, 2014

Amanda C.

I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you're OK. <3 you don't NEED to wear black unless you want to. I would limit how much black you wear if you don't wear too much on a regular basis. it would draw attention to yourself which I can understand you definitely don't want. if you don't feel like dolling yourself up don't. just feel comfortable. <3.

May 22, 2014

Lizzy W.

Also I just want to say, if you feel like you need to stay home, and you have that option, do it. But when my grandmother passed away, I actually found it easier to be around people during the first few days. Again, there's no right or wrong, just let yourself feel whatever you're feeling and deal with it how you see fit. Sending you love & good vibes from Cape Town xx

May 22, 2014

Charen C.

I'm so sorry! It must be so hard for you..moment of silence 😔 and yes wear whatever you want. Be as comfortable as you want.

May 22, 2014

Flores T.

I wish I could take a day off, but I have an exam so I have to go. Not going will only make it harder.. thanks for the support girls x

May 22, 2014

Makenna C.

When I lost my cousin I was out of school for a week! When I came back I didn't wear any makeup pulled my hair up! I had yoga pants and a sweat shirt.. I had to wear long sleeves for a certain reason.. But I'm sorry for your lost I'll be praying for you!

May 22, 2014

Hannah K.

R.I.P sweetie, hope everything will be okay soon.
When my cousin died, I took off 2 days of school, but in hindsight it was a bit of a mistake. At home, you're thinking about it far too much, whereas at school you're distracted and are surrounded by your friends. But make sure your mum/dad lets the school know about it, so the teachers make allowances. I'd wear something which reflects the persons personality. My cousins favourite colour was pink, so I wore a lot of that. You can wear black if you want, but I think it's better to wear something which represents them

May 22, 2014

Flores T.

Thanks. I'll keep that in mind x

May 23, 2014

Taylor G.

Sorry for yor loss): wear whichever you feel!