Acne products or home remedy tips.


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May 22, 2014

Dulce M.

So summer is arriving and I am breaking out really bad I don't know what to do if try some acne products or use natural home remedy tips. Can you guys tell me what are some good acne products or tips pleaseee thank youuu so much!!

May 22, 2014

M G.

witch hazel

May 22, 2014

Lindsay H.

I would get a cleanser with salicylic acid in it and use a toner that is alcohol free to get any excess oil or makeup off your face and then use a moisturizer that is oil free

But it depends on why kind of skin you have if you have oily skin I can recommend a toner if you want?

When ever I get pimples I put a little bit of 100% organic bee honey on it and I find that it reduces the redness for the next day and the healing process speeds up ( I'm not sure if it would work for you because everyone's skin it different but it might:)

Also drinking lots of water and eating clean to get any toxins out of your body

Always wash your makeup off your face because that's really important and try not to touch your face ( I'm completely guilty of that though haha)

An important one is to not pop any pimples ( I'm also guilty of this) but it spreads bacteria and can cause more pimples ( which sucks)

Also it's important to change your pillow case often and wash your makeup. Brushes because they can collect bacteria

Hope I helped I might randomly remember more but I can't think of any at the moment :)

May 22, 2014

Rebecca J.

Black soap. and use benzoyl peroxide 0.5 gel on the pimples.

May 22, 2014

Diana T.

Willow bark based cleanser (it's what salicylic acid originates from) and witch hazel toner then tea tree oil spot treatment n moisturize with jojoba oil - works wonders for acne prone skin.

May 22, 2014

Ysabella S.

Don't wear any foundation or any makeup on your face. I use st.ives for facial wash and clean and clear moisturizer.Since my mom is a dermatologist I get a facial once a month:) try getting a facial if not use facial mask:)

May 25, 2014

Shaila H.

Instead (or in addition to a Benzoyl Peroxide cream) wash your face removing the debris from the day, oil cleanser, or washes for sensitive or acneic skin.

A Toner, the best I can recommend is homemade, ( Equal parts ACV, Witch Hazel, distilled water, a tablespoon of Thyme tie in cheesecloth or just leave it in) Use this on a cotton ball after washing your face, working out, or spending a decent amount of time outside. any thyme that ends up on your face will brush away after a few moments when the toner dries.

Thyme kills 5 times the bacteria that Benzoyl peroxide does, and will not counteract if both are used. The thyme is much less of a irritant unless there is a sensitivity

If you want to, you can use a benzoyl peroxide cream or just go straight to moisturizing, Look for something meant for oily, acneic or sensitive skin, The Fresh face oil is perfect for me.