Ahh I'm so sad.


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May 27, 2014

Brianna M.

So I'm supposed to be getting my hair strip from color but honestly I'm scared and really want to redye my hair red again I'm getting cold feet about cutting all my hair off and going blonde :/ I don't know what to do anymore like I want a change but then again I really love my red.

May 27, 2014

Kat A.

I feel your pain. I keep switching ideas on what I want to do with my hair too. it's a hard decision! just remember you can always go back to red from blonde :)

May 27, 2014

Brianna M.

Yeah that's true but it'll take a really long time to grow my hair back if I cut it and I've been waiting years for my hair to be where it is now lol

May 27, 2014

Caylee R.

I love my red hair too, but I'm really dying for a change! Red hair has really grown on me (and you too) but you never know until you try! It may be scary but it will grow back! I'm sure anything will look great, and even if you don't like it, hey! It's always good to change.

May 27, 2014

Brianna M.

Yeah thank you lol I will think about it all more before I do anything lol

May 27, 2014

Shaye M.

Giiiiirl, I know how you feel. I'm blonde right now but before this It was red and whenever I get that urge to dye it I want to dye it red but its still blonde cause I know I'll regret it haha :)

May 27, 2014

Caylee R.

And I think cutting it is a big step to take! If you're seriously debating it, maybe stay safe and just keep it long.

May 27, 2014

Kira-louise S.

I know how your feeling! I had bright red year for 2 years and before that I was always changing my hair colour from pinks to purples to oranges. But I really wanted to find the more natural me. It was so scary! But I'm glad I did it! I didn't want to go for something wayyyy different neither to light so I went for a brown, which shows tints of the red. Maybe just get your hair dyed first before having your hair cut: having both done at the same time would be a big change! Atleast you would have time to get use to the hair colour. About 4 years ago I had my long hair cut into a bob, I wish I did it stage by stage like slowly having it cut shorter instead of doing it in one go! It was a real shock for me, but I actually really liked it after some time! But I'm growing mine again now haha! If you get it cut and you don't like it your hair will grow back quickly anyway trust me! I've been growing mine for a couple of months ands it's actually longer than it was before!

May 27, 2014

Brianna M.

Wow thank you and I'm so scared about dying it is because I don't have the money to go to a professional and I have to bleach it and my mom is going to do it and I'm so scared my hair will be fried if I had the money to do it at a salon I'd jump up and do it now and get it cut but it's just that my mom is no pro and I'm so scared of bleaching my hair I don't want to Damage it even more than it already is.

May 27, 2014

Brianna M.

My mom is going to try to save up and get my hair professionally done cut and colored!

May 27, 2014

Beth I.

I was bright red too! but I stripped mine myself last year!! And it went very light ginger and then spent about?30 at my local hair dressers to put a blonde colour over it and it went to my natural colour :) I've had it since and then today I got it put light blonde again... and I loved my red hair to pieces, I was sad to see it go... but beyond happy to have to not worry about dye!! And pink pillow stains! Aha and saving money from the hair dye! Also I use Moroccon oil on my hair each night and wash in the morning! its soft as anything. also see if you have a build up of conditioners from buying hair dye over the years, I have soooo many and use those conditioners instead of normal conditioner as it's go post dye treatment in and that's what makes it more hydrated than normal conditioners! :) good luck!!@ x

May 28, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you for the advice! My hair is very like course I guess it looks frayed at the end so I definitely will be getting a cut and I will be looking into those conditioners :)