Should I cut my hair like this?


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May 27, 2014

Sarah L.

I'm dying for a change in my hair and my hair is naturally light blonde and you can see the length in my profile pic but I want to dye it dark and cut it exactly like it in the photo. The same color everything. Should I do it? And is it okay to dye natural light hair dark?

May 27, 2014

Noelle M.

I can't see your skin tone well bc of the pic you have but I think youll look kute with darkee hair but in my opinion short hair like tht wouldnt look ok buttt if you really like it then doo it!! :)

May 27, 2014

Noelle M.

Do you like this?

May 27, 2014

Noelle M.

Or this one? I think itll look better for youu.

May 27, 2014

Emmy C.

No it wouldn't turn out what you think it would but what aboutthe one before.

May 27, 2014

Bry R.

Yes you can dye lighter hair. I think dark hair will suit you. As for the hair cut, a short hair cut would be cute on you. However the one is the picture looks like a bit of work to get it like that on the top. But I still think you should go for it :)

May 27, 2014

Jill M.

Okay remember this though once you dye your hair dark it's going to be harder to go back to your natural color and keep in mind that her hair and hair color might not look the same on you

May 27, 2014

Jill M.

What about this cut?