Please help with breakout crises!


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May 28, 2014

Sophie A.

I was never a person who would get severe acne but I do get monster size pimples and leaves behind a scar/hyperpigmentation. Any good products that would prevent,clear up my skin or help get rid of my pimple quicker?.

May 28, 2014

Aspen O.

I've heard put the gel from an Advil pill on it.

May 28, 2014

Roz X.

It sounds like you may have ingrown hairs. They cause large bumps that are painful and often are isolated... rarely coming to a head and often leaving scars. I agree that a dermatologist is an excellent idea.

May 28, 2014

Diana T.

It sounds like hormonal acne if it only happens once in a while (probably during your period or times of high stress) when it comes to those cystic type pimples I find that keeping a healthy diet n exercise routine helps - as well as avoiding food allergens (for me is milk n dairy products) and destressing with some yoga as far as products not too many things can help - but Mario badescu buffering lotion can help bring it to a head sooner - and tea tree oil can reduce the swelling and redness since it's commonly used on mosquito bites n that's kinda what the pimples look like :P and of course seeing a derm is always your best bet - but if the pimples are few n far between I wouldn't worry too much about it - sometimes trying to treat them on your own is worse than just leaving them alone.

May 28, 2014

Shelley W.

Cystic acne comes to mind. I agree with Diana's advice.