Straight Bla Hair Help.


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May 26, 2014

Sofia S.

I have "bla hair". Its straight and whenever I try to curl it it does just goes back to straight. Even with hairspray. So how can I style my hair (wavy or curly) without it just going straight again. (I have fine hair btw)

May 26, 2014

Marilyn N.

What does "bla hair" means?

May 26, 2014

Ashley C.

You could always braid it when you get out I the shower and let it airdry. Using a setting gel could help but it might kinda make your hair crunchy. My sister has the same problem and she curls it with a straightener and it lasts longer. Maybe use a volumizing mousse or gel pre-blow dry might help? I'm not a professional lol so I'm just going in what I've learned so far.

May 26, 2014

Tracy W.

I have fine straight hair and I apply hair lift by Oscar Blandi it's a thickening and strengthening mousse. I like it because it adds enough texture for the hair to hold a curl and I always pin them up and let it set before I let them all out. setting the curls is a great way to get them to last. All you do is curl the section of hair and when you take it out of the curling wand roll it back up and secure with a Bobby pin.. do this to all sections when done curling spray the hair with hair spray (I use big sexy hair spray and play) let it sit until all curls are cooled then gently take them out. If they look to curly and you want more of a soft wave, gently rake them out with your fingers and apply another mist of hair spray..oh I forgot to mention before each curl brush threw the piece of hair you are curling and you can apply hair spray to the strand prior to curling it just make sure it's dry before you use the iron

May 26, 2014

Kennedy A.

Use a mousse or a gel and try to not wash it for a couple of days prior to curling it. Maybe use a hotter heat setting with your curling iron.

May 26, 2014

Tracy W.

It looks like this when you are setting the curls..she use duck bill clips but I just use Bobby pins because I have a million of them lol

May 26, 2014

Sofia S.

Thank you all so much.