Help!! I Waxed My Upper Lip And It's Really Red! How Can I Cover It?


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May 26, 2014

Lara C.

I usually put a few drops of coconut oil snd massage it on. maybe even ice. mine usually goes away the same day.

May 26, 2014

Breeze T.

Makeup will definitely help, but let's hope you won't need it. It's happened to me a couple times and it always went away within the day. Don't worry too much about it, sleep on it and don't further irritate it (no touching the area, no kissing men with stubbles lol). If it's still there tomorrow, a bit of concealer and some powder will do the trick :)

May 26, 2014

Valerie C.

I say just let it breathe..
I get my upper lip waxed all the time and its normal that it turns red, the redness will be gone by tomorrow trust me

May 26, 2014

Diana T.

It could be a burn from the hot wax - just ice it n it should go away - also neosporin n aloe Vera will help.

Don't put any makeup on it as it was irritate it even more and you could break out on spots just put a cold compress on it and let it breathe it should go away after 24 hours 😘❤️

May 26, 2014

Breeze T.

No problem! & Fingers crossed!!

May 26, 2014

Kelly V.

Looks like you may have burned it or taken a bit of skin off. use aloe and ice it. let it make up or anything near it to irritate it. be careful how you pull the strips off. it's easy to hurt yourself if you don't insoluble what your doing.

May 26, 2014

Karina S.

I went to go get my upper lip waxed a while ago and the lady burned me. So my upper lip was very dry and irritated and also very red. I used witch hazel or however you spell it haha 😁🌼 but it worked for me. My lip was defiantly far worse than yours. Not that yours is bad but that's what I used (:

May 26, 2014

Kennedy A.

Put ice on it to south it.

May 26, 2014

Kennedy A.

Sooth* you can also put Aloe vera.

May 26, 2014

Traci P.

Avoid using any makeup today and don't touch it with dirty fingers. Wash hands with antibacterial soap then apply witch hazel or pure aloe vera and a cold compress.

May 26, 2014

Kay C.

Should be fine by tomorrow.

May 27, 2014

Lara R.

Yes, don't worry, your skin will look fine by tomorrow :) :) next time you have an event, try to wax at least 2 days before because irritation and sun exposure :)

May 27, 2014

Sanjana N.

Now you can try putting aloe vera.. and also you can give a massage with ice cubes..
from next time whenever you do waxing massage immediately with ice cube this will help a lot..
this redness will surely go by tomorrow..