Scabby Dry Scalp? Psoriasis? Ecszema On Your Scalp? This Is For You


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Dec 11, 2012

Ashley-Nicol C.

I have psoriasis on my scalp which causes the skin to crack,scab,bleed etc. a helpful tip to relieve and help heal is a corticosteroid cream you can get over the counter, not polysporine, if your in Canada you can find life brand cream at shoppers drug mart. Take a little bit, put it on a q-tip, apply to scalp or inflamed/raw area and cover it up with a scarf
long your hair is

Dec 11, 2012

Ashley-Nicol C.

Gah silly text ment to put after, no matter how long your hair is and by scarf I mean bandana or light scarf that's breathable

Dec 11, 2012

Pamela F.

ahhhh. nice to find someone with the same problem. shampoos just dont work do in scotland so hopefully can get my hands on corticosteroid cream. thank u :) xx

Dec 11, 2012

Ashley-Nicol C.

No prob my dear hope it helps!!! Give an update once you try it too!

Dec 11, 2012

Allison J.

I've had psoriasis for years and finally had to see a dermatologist. She prescribed me with a solution that clears it up my scalp completely within a couple days!!

Dec 11, 2012

Allison J.

Nice to see there is hope beyond prescription tho

Dec 12, 2012

Ashley-Nicol C.

Allison - I have seen dermatologists and I end up leaving with no answers because my psoriasis is due to a chemical burn when I was a kid, some medical shampoos (cetaphil etc) only relieved the issue not healed. Hope it helps!

Dec 13, 2012

Allison J.

Wow. I can't believe they couldn't even help. But good for you for finding your own remedy.. Maybe you should be a dermatologist;)

Dec 13, 2012

Ashley-Nicol C.

Haha I wish I could be a dermatologist but I'm into technology so I prefer computers over skin

Dec 15, 2012

Pamela F.

hi ashley-nicol. found some cream and have it on just now.ill wash my hair in the morning. ill let u know how it goes :)