Prom Next Month!!


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May 27, 2014

Suzanne M.

Hey girlie!!
my prom is next month and I am so excited!! I'm just to stress because I don't know what to do with my hair.. my hair is medium length and when it curls it might go short and I HATE that.. :( like I want curls that don't make my hair shorter if you guys kno what I mean.. do you guys have some ideas for me plss :(?

May 27, 2014

Cheyenne G.

The tighter the curl, the shorter your hair will appear. So I'd do looser curls or beachy waves if that's a good option too. also, you can comb through your curls lightly or like shake them out to make them longer.

May 27, 2014

Ashley C.

Curl your hair in layers; start at the nape area and just curl the tips and with the next layer start the curls a little higher and keep going like that up to the top of your head. Idk if this is making any sense lol I'm not a good explainer.

May 27, 2014

Sarah W.

Curl your hair loosely and that should help make it not look so short.