Personality-What To Where.


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May 27, 2014

Sofia S.

So this summer I'm totally changing up my personality I'm going to be the partier the one who gets good grades yet is totally cool. the one thing I don't know is what to where. help.

May 27, 2014

Liv I.

Agreed ^

May 27, 2014

Jennifer G.

What Jacqlyn said. ^^

May 27, 2014

Faith J.

If you really really want to change your self basically just keep up to the lastest styles

May 27, 2014

Sofia S.

Really because thats the person I've always wanted to be so...

May 27, 2014

Sam M.

Just wear whatever makes you feel most confident! That'll help you be the person you want to be ^-^

May 27, 2014

Nina F.

If you purposely change your personality youre just going to end up being fake.

May 27, 2014

Paige S.

Just Be You Hun!(:

May 27, 2014

Symone B.

Hmmm. I can kind of see where you're coming from. Nothing wrong with getting good grades. I don't see anything wrong with you wanting to adapt certain behaviors (like being more focused on academics) but you core self will always be the same. I wouldn't try to totally transform yourself. It doesn't work. A twig can always pretend to be a tree but it's always going to be a twig. I'm sure you're lovely just the way you are. If you want to experiment with clothes, have at it! But you don't have to "change" to do so.

May 27, 2014

Kelly H.

Hey, so I'm old, but I feel you, I'm going through some things, some might call it a mid life crisis, I call it appreciating life more, what I did because I was never fashionable, always studious and conservative, was to find pics of outfits I liked and actually print them then go shopping and try to put something similar together, but with my own personal quirky twist. I don't always get it right, but when I do I feel awesome. do what is good for you.

May 27, 2014

Aide N.

I agree with Nina. I don't think personality is something you can change like a hairstyle.

May 27, 2014

Kelly H.

And while I agree in some respects with the girls that you can't change your personality I do think you can bring out aspects of your personality with style and makeup that you might not otherwise have the confidence to explore.

May 27, 2014

Kelly V.

OK so...there's nothing wrong with wanting to change up your wardrobe BUT wanting to change who you are (personality) is a whole nother story. just be you. learn to appreciate who you are, and appreciate others too (and don't try to be like them). I'm assuming you are sstill very young, so that means you are still developing as a person, and figuring out who you are. so just go with it. like Symone said...a twig will always be a ttwig.

May 27, 2014

Kate H.

I'm just going to answer your question. I'd suggest a bb cream or light foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and some pretty pink lip gloss and blush. Pink and navy are very cool yet girly. Good grades require hard work, studying and determination. Something "cool" would be maybe adding converse or some studded headbands. For clothes, I would suggest maybe some cute skirts, nice jeans, pretty blouses in cool patterns, quilted ballet flats, hoodies from PINK, and maybe a flirty dress or two. Changing your style won't change who you are inside. It's okay to be a style chameleon sometimes :)

May 27, 2014

Traci L.

There is nothing wrong with a change ,if you feel you wanna get out more dress different and get better grades I say go for it,everyone needs a change sometime if we all did the same thing or acted the same way for the rest of our lives well who the heck needs that,long as your still YOU under it all the outside can be whatever you want.

May 27, 2014

Shelley W.

You are still young and you are going to evolve at every major milestone. I was the partier/nerd/athlete in highschool. 20's very career focused. 30's...can we just forget that decade. 40's...semi-retired living my dream of working in public service. But one thing never ever changed...not for anyone. My personality. I didn't and won't change it for anyone to be considered cool by my peers. My point being...don't change yourself to fit in. Variety is the spice of life and I think the coolest people are those who stay true to themselves. xxxx

May 27, 2014

M G.

agreed with Shelley

May 27, 2014

Traci L.

I'm have to disagree with everyone lol you absolutely can change your personality for the best you can go from shy and withdrawn to outgoing,from uncaring and uninvolved in life to someone who is caring and contributes,from unhealthy and lazy to trying to get fit and taking care of yourself these are all aspects of a person's personality and changing them is for the better I have changed mine over n over again to be the person I am not to be popular but to be a better me so I feel if it's for yourself and for the better noone can tell you not to change it

May 27, 2014

Anupa M.

Hey, Sofia! I'm really glad you're taking this step to becoming the person you want to be! :) Its really liberating and its super important to make an identity for yourself that you feel proud of :) I had to change my personality because I couldn't live with the girl I was in middle school, I was a product of my peers and I wasn't me. Some people like who they've always been, others not so much :) don't let anything discourage you from being you! As for clothes, the easiest thing to do is go to a mall and walk into every clothing store and look around. Pay attention to pieces that speak to you, that go "Yeah, thats what Sofia would wear. That's what I would wear" and take pictures of outfits that you're drawn too :) I hope this helped and good luck on your journey of self discovery ;) haha.