I have way too much clothes. How to downsize?


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May 24, 2014

Jenna L.

So I definitely hoard clothes, and I'm a self proclaimed shopaholic.
In all honesty I don't wear about 20% of the things I buy, like dresses and skirts cause I still don't have "the body" I want to be able to wear them.
My other dilemma is that I am a 21 year old girl, so I go out to the bars and do stuff on the weekends with my friend that require casual trendy outfits, but I also work in an office that has a dress code (nothing too strict but it has to be office professional)
So it's kinda like I need 2 wardrobes for those 2 aspects of my life.
So I need to know how to downsize my closet so that it's not overfilling with unwearable garments and also how to incorporate office and trendy casual styles.
Since I'm now officially an adult I wanna try to ditch the teen clothes too.

May 24, 2014

Hannah K.

So, what I usually do to purge my closet is to go through and think about 5 different possible scenarios that I can wear that item for. Then, for separates, I do a second level of contemplation, thinking about 7 different items that I can pair it with. Like if I have a plain grey shirt, I can wear that with absolutely anything, so I'll keep it. But a bright orange t shirt? Not so much. Does that make sense? I hope this helps a little, I tend to spend 4-6 hours cleaning and organizing my closets when I purge so don't expect it to be instantaneous :)

May 24, 2014

Kaitlin M.

What I like to do is look at each piece and put it into one of three piles: keep, give away or throw away. With the giveaway things, I'll usually throw them in the wash and when they're washed I'll fold them and put them into bags for my friends/younger girls in my family. The throw away pile is for things that are stained, ripped, or unwearable.
The keep pile then gets separated into warm weather clothes and cold weather clothes. I have a double door closet so the side easiest to get to is the clothes for whatever season we're in now. So right now, all my winter clothes are on the side that's blocked by my makeup chair (I can still get to it if I need to). So for you, instead of separating by season like me, you should separate work clothes from everyday clothes :)

May 25, 2014

Phoebe F.

Go through your wardrobe and categorize into the different items. Then you can compare each top for example and it just makes it easier as you're doing small sections. I usually say to myself - when was the last time I wore this and can it be worn in multiple situations? Then with the clothes bag em up and said them to charity or sell em on eBay. Be ruthless!

May 25, 2014

Cass F.

Put things you don't wear up for sale. Whatever you sell, you can replace with a new item. Don't categorise your clothes by 'this still has a lot of wear' coz you aren't wearing it otherwise it wouldn't even be considered to be outta your wardrobe.

May 25, 2014

Jenna L.

My main problem is I can justify keeping all my clothes. Even though I've never worn it, I'm like oh I could if I did this.
Like if I throw it out, I'll wanna wear it the next week.
I'm like so obsessed with buying LOTS of clothes instead have good quality wearable pieces.
I'm trying to figure out how I can downsize and no want to buy everything I see.

May 26, 2014

Hannah F.

I have a yearly look through all my clothes and try to get rid of anything I havnt worn in the past year :)