Hair crisis! Help please ladies!


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May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

So I'm buying my partner a laptop next week and while I've got the money am thinking about a new set of extensions as well, I'm not 100% committed to the idea yet because my last set got stolen by my crazy ex room mate and I haven't had any since so I don't remember how much I liked them on me. Do you girls think I should buy a new set? Does long hair suit me? (There's a picture of my lilac hair when I had my last set of extensions on my profile) or should I stick with my annoying shoulder length growing out phase hair? Thanks girls! 😣💙picture is of my current hair situation, sorry Its not down it's always in a bun haha.

May 23, 2014

Zoey A.

I actually really, really like you with shorter hair, but you'd look super fine with extensions if that's what you choose to do.

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Thank you Zoey! :)

May 23, 2014

Anery P.

Short hair would look good with your facial features..long hair also does but since you have thin hair go for short...

May 23, 2014

Stephanie G.

I like your current hair colour more than the lilac hair I saw on your profile, so 1) don't change the colour ;) 2) considering the fact that your hair may be damaged after that colour plus the extensions, why don't you leave it to naturally grow? Eat healthily, drink lots of water and cut your ends regularly (every 2-3 months) and your hair is going to grow long in no time! On the other side, if you feel like you really need a change, do it. But since you say your hair is always on a bun, what's the difference? I say leave them like that:)

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

I don't have thin hair lol, it looks like this when it's natural

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

And thank you! I've kept it more blonde and am currently not doing my regrowth for 2 months at a time to avoid doing it all the time, regrowth in my picture was only 2 weeks worth :( hate how fast it grows but it grows thicker not longer lol

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Thank you Hollie! I think I may wait a few more months to decide on extensions, I'm thinking about buying a kitten right now and my pet shop currently have them for 90$ so I'm like D: need a kitten in my life lol

May 23, 2014

Anery P.

Ohh...I saw your photo with lilac coloured lon hair...its seems thin that's y...m sorry...:(

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

It's okay haha :) they were extensions, my hairs always short lol.

May 23, 2014

Traci P.

I really like your hair as is now and in the pic with the lavender... hard choices. I would say maybe wait on it a couple days and see if you're still thinking about the extensions, or the kitty more, lol. =)

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Jacqlyn, I've really been considering it since I saw them in the pet shop window haha, they don't look like my other cat but I really just want a new companion, my house is so different when I come home cause my old cat (Max) doesn't run in from wherever she is and meow at me anymore which is so disappointing, no more of her hairs on my pillow where she slept when I wasn't home, need a new cat to sleep next to hahah! Crazy cat lady here! 🙈🐈

May 23, 2014

Dawm M.

You look like the girl in game of thrones!

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Oh wow, that's the second time I've heard that I wish hahah! Thank you so much, I'll take that as a huge compliment haha ☺️

May 23, 2014

Nathalie C.

Adopt a kitten from a shelter, there are all colors and it's free... They need a home those poor orphans! I have 3 from shelters, I got Mocca as a kitten, look at her now!

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

There's a cat that currently lives in my house at my boyfriends but she's not mine, my cat got hit by a car about 2 weeks ago so I'm really looking for a certain kind of kitten haha :(

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

This is my boyfriends cat though, unfortunately I liked to think my cat was the best (like every pet owner) haha! So she just doesn't feel like mine so I need My own, if that makes sense haha!

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

But for sure I'll look into a shelter, love rescuing animals :)

May 23, 2014

Kimberley R.

I like it how it is.col n length

May 23, 2014

Shaye M.

Shannie, you're going to be my new best friend -nod- hahah! Thank you girls! 😄💕

May 24, 2014

Kelly V.

Shaye, you could shave your head and still be gorgeous. but get the extensions! its always fun to mix it up at bit.

May 24, 2014

Shaye M.

Aw Kelly, I wish! There are often days where I want a fresh start but I know I'd be one sad puppy with no hair to play with haha! Thank you for your kind words lovely ☺️💛

Jun 6, 2014

Shaye M.
