Apple Cider Vinegar on hair.


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May 25, 2014

Parnika J.

Hello beauties,
I have read about ACV benefits for hair. It prevents build up on scalp and restores the pH which in turn promotes hair groeth. I have used it thrice up till now. I mix 1 part of ACV and 2 parts of water and use it as last rinse after shampooing. Kindly resolve some of my queries related to this.
1. It is written to use organic unfiltered ACV but I didn't find one. So I am using the one shown here. Is it ok to use this one?
2. What is the correct method to use it?
3. Does ACV bleach the hair?
Kindly reply

May 25, 2014

Parnika J.


May 25, 2014

Parnika J.

more details

May 25, 2014

Nadia B.

Look at Sunkissalba Youtube Chanel she made a video to show how to use it and she explain everything

May 25, 2014

Parnika J.

Hey Em.. M in India.. Only two brands available in my city.. this one and Heinz.

May 25, 2014

Parnika J.

Thanks Nadia :)

May 26, 2014

Traci P.

That brand is most likely better than heinz. I use an acv rinse once a month and do the same as you, apply after shampoo, wait a few then rinse well. I dye my hair dark brown and the rinse does remove a little color when I do it but nothing like bleach. Hope that I helped a little.

May 27, 2014

Parnika J.

Yeah you surely have helped me Traci.. I will keep using this brand till any other option is available.. For how long have you been using ACV? Has it helped you in hair growth?

Jun 1, 2014

Traci P.

I've been using the acv rinse about 9 months ago. I have very long hair that I get trimmed to the same length every 6 weeks so I didn't really notice any increase hair growth. I like to use it more for its ability to remove product build up on my scalp, I feel it's not as harsh as a clarifying shampoo and is all natural.