Eyebrows! Is there a too thick?


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Jan 27, 2014

Candace O.

I have the hairiest manliest most ungroomed eyebrows and I wouldn't change it, what say you? I love thick, outrageous brows or thin toothpick brows or however someone wants to wear them. Is there a specific way you should have your eyebrows or is it subjective per person?

Jan 27, 2014

Symone B.

Those brows I do think are a bit much. Since they are thicker, you should shape them more. To make them look more put together. How you had them on this pic was perfect

Jan 27, 2014

Shaye M.

I think they're pretty large and they could be plucked a little underneath but nothing wrong with bold brows, just think yours could be tidied a little bit :)

Jan 27, 2014

Noelle M.

I actually like your eyebrows I think their perfectly shaped and I do like how their thick.

Jan 27, 2014

Kat H.

The shape is gorgeous but personally I would makes the smaller.

Jan 27, 2014

Rämÿãã N.

You can trim them a bit more :)

Jan 27, 2014

Tamisha G.

The thickness if your brows compliment your eyes and face shape very well. However the color is a little harsh. Lightening your brows a bit will give you a softer look, unless that's NOT what you're going for xx

Jan 27, 2014

Kristina M.

Don't make them smaller, you have gorgeous eyebrows. Just clean up the few stray hairs on bottom.

Jan 27, 2014

Denise W.

Beautiful brows, but I agree with the other gals, pull out the strays! Even my husband let's me tweeze his strays.

Jan 27, 2014

Bess C.

I am overwhelmingly jealous of your eyebrows. I like the wild look on you for sure, but if you ever want to change em up, just use a brow brush to push all the hair up, then run it across the very upper edge so no hairs poke out above the upper edge of your natural shape.

Jan 27, 2014

Bess C.

I think brows are totally subjective. It's definitely a cultural thing too in terms of what's considered ideal (Japanese women as compared to Indian women, African women compared to Scandinavian women). I mean, before Cara De-(I'm going to spell it wrong...you know who I mean!) everyone groomed and plucked and waxed their brows to be smaller, and now girls are going crazy with filling their brows in and making them bigger. So yeah, I think it's really just a matter of "you do you" when it comes to eyebrows.

Jan 27, 2014

Mariam A.

OMG I lobe your brows!

Jan 27, 2014

Mariam A.


Jan 27, 2014

Jasmine H.

There nicer than mine for sure x

Jan 27, 2014

Antonia S.

Your brows are phenomenal. Like everyone else has said, just pluck the few stray hairs you have and you're good to go.

Jan 27, 2014

Brooke L.

I'd get them threaded.

Jan 27, 2014

Lou C.

I have quite thin brows and I would love to have thicker brows.. :D I think you should only pluck the strays, your brows are very special and beautiful!

Jan 27, 2014

Mistreece L.

I think they're gorgeous! I personally would get them "cleaned up" a tad and never fill them in or darken them as you don't need it.

Jan 27, 2014

Lisa S.

Yes I like the pic Symone posted, they look amazing there. I love thick brows but how they are now just kinda look messy. You have gorgeous eyes so I would definitely tone the brows down because they are taking away from your pretty eyes.

Jan 29, 2014

Danielle L.


Jan 29, 2014

Danielle L.


Candace O.

Southern California