Black black and more black!


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Jan 28, 2014

Bree B.

Lol! Love the look, Ben!

Jan 28, 2014

Naomi S.

Lol @ Ben. glad I could help.
off subject. gay guy at my job showed me the funniest YouTube supporting gay marriage telln straight dudes if you don't pass gay married "we're going to marry your gf's!". they listed all the reasons it'd work. I'm like, damn I need to marry a gay dude. Lmao.
seriously tho. I've been thinking about covering my stretch marks with tattoos once I get ripped.. ;-) can't stand em!.
Regina, glad I can help. ;-)

Jan 28, 2014

Naomi S.

Oh Ben, what's sleep?. ;-)

Michele S.

Jan 28, 2014

Michele S.

Lmao Ben I love you sweetie

Michele S.

Jan 28, 2014

Michele S.

Btw your pink hair rocks my fuzzy socks.. Took me a bit to realize it =)

Jan 29, 2014

Naomi S.

LMAO Ben, we can get married and both have boyfriends on the side and look fabulous all day long!..
there's a vid on BL where young lady got her cleavage going with makeup. I'm totally drawing on boobs. you can draw on abs. how fab is that ish!.. ;-)

Jan 29, 2014

Lauren G.

That is crazy good Ben! Love it!

Michele S.

Jan 29, 2014

Michele S.

Naomi or Ben can come give me boobs too!!