Why have the comments on Beautylish articles been closed lately?


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Jan 28, 2014

Ame S.

Hi all,
Since a few articles, the comments function on Editorial articles here on Beautylish has been closed. I am wondering why, anyone know?

Jan 28, 2014

Amanda V.

I've been wondering the same thing!

Jan 28, 2014

KaLynn S.

I'm not sure--but I really wish I could comment/read other people's comments. I found that section very helpful. 

Jan 28, 2014

Hannah K.

Email help@beautylish.com and ask why.

Jan 28, 2014

Stefani S.

I just noticed this too! I thought it was just one, but it seems like all the recent ones have it disabled. I was hoping that the eye cream article would have some great comments about other's experiences of what works /doesn't. Too bad!

Jan 28, 2014

Amanda V.

I was thinking that maybe it had to do with people leaving some not- so-nice comments on the articles? I've seen a few..

Jan 28, 2014

Hannah K.

That's most likely.^ people on here tend to be very opinionated :)

Jan 28, 2014

Kat R.

I've been wondering why as well...they could have just deleted the negative remarks if it was about that.might be a website related issue.

Jan 28, 2014

Amanda V.

I agree Mairead! I think we all remember the ski mask article.. It was about ski masks starting to trend for winter. 😳 I remember some of the comments on there were like "Really BL!? Ski masks!?" I didn't see anything wrong with it because I was thinking the same thing! 😂

Jan 28, 2014

KaLynn S.

Without the comments-- I find it hard to believe the editorials-- especially now that you can't leave any comments. :(

Jan 28, 2014

Amanda V.

I can't help but feel like if it's an article raving about a product, and no one can comment on it about their experience with it.. That seems a little shady to me.

Jan 28, 2014

Jessica P.

There were other ladies last week that had this problem...pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with negitive comments...sometimes bl has glitches and its best to email them and let them know that way it can get fixed.

Jan 28, 2014

Alma M.

Hello all, I'm not sure what's going on with the articles but I will ask them and if you have questions please email Beautylish help@Beautylish.com.I'm sure you'll get your answers.Lets not assume anything yet.  :-)

Jan 30, 2014

Alicia H.

Hi guys! Just to touch base on the changes you've seen in the editorial section; the goal of Beautylish is to enhance our users' experience by creating a space for positive engagement and interaction, which is why we are refocusing our editorial direction over the next few months. We are very excited about the changes coming ahead and will continue to have opportunities for constructive dialogue through comments on focused editorial articles that call for community involvement. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out directly to us at help@beautylish.com :)