Bikini wax.. Experience please?


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Jan 27, 2014

Summer N.

I would love to get a bikini wax! How was your first experience?

Jan 27, 2014

Misty S.

Take Tylenol and I love it

Jan 27, 2014

Raylene I.

It wasn't bad at all. I'd say take Advil it's an anti-inflametory. And they have a powder they'll dust on before hand so the wax only stick to your hair not your skin as it pulling on the skin is was causes 85% of the pain.

Jan 27, 2014

Tonita C.

It's not that bad. Uncomfortable yes, unbearable no. Pain stops almost immediately after..

Jan 27, 2014

Kaitlyn M.

I know this is a odd question but I'm being completely serious. When you get a wax do they see your whole "area"?

Jan 27, 2014

Misty S.

yes they do

Jan 27, 2014

Landrey S.

Many spas offer panties to use for bikini wax

Jan 27, 2014

Raylene I.

Yes they can offer you special paper type large thongies haha they are rather hilarious my lady comes to my house for y
Wax so I have crappy undies I wear cuz I don't care if wax gets all over them but she's soo skilled wax never gets anywhere unwanted

Jan 28, 2014

Preeti P.

Been doing it for 2 years, I started off with a bad experience. So in short make sure, the person doing it is professional, I do not reccomend painkillers of any sort, because they thin out the blood which increases the chances of bleeding. Trust me of the person knows how to do it, it won't hurt a lot.

Jan 28, 2014

Summer N.

Okay thanks for the info.. Very helpful.. & I will surely be taking a Tylenol or Advil before..

Jan 28, 2014

Summer N.

It's good to know if the person knows what they are doing it won't hurt much.. The pain is what's been holding me back..

Jan 28, 2014

Mariana E.

I'm sure there is a product to use afterwards to avoid ingrowns (those are a bitch) that would be ideal. I'm sorry I don't know the name. I used to wax down there but I had to stop because I got a lot of those suckers and my "area" ended up looking pretty sad.

Jan 28, 2014

Shelley W.

It hurt like the dickens but these days I do it myself. Make sure they aren't using a multi-purpose wax. My waxer used one that is exclusive to bikini and underarm area to lessen irritation. Stuff smelled like honey.

Jan 28, 2014

Raylene I.

Everyone has difference preferences, I like the honey wax my friend likes the cream wax... Bikini you can use regular honey wax, for a Brazilian you need to use the hard wax or you can rip and it's horrible!! Absolutely horrible!! (Personal experience and I learned my lesson!) but again they do have a powder that they sprinkle on you first to keep the wax away from your skin :) I was my friends "hairy model" for her course so I met the instructor and and was there for her exams and such and read her book... Exfoliate before hand really well and if your hairs are really long trim them to reduce pull, but keep em a 1/4 inch long. Good luck ;)

Jan 28, 2014

Katie J.

Had a terrible experience with this but probably went to the wrong salon. I agree with Preeti P about NOT taking any pain killers of any kind. It's probably best to go to a recommended person / salon for at least the first few months. Worth the money if it doesn't rip the skin of your delicate bits and it's fast and well done. 😊

Feb 1, 2014

Kammy R.

My first ever wax (besides eyebrows) I did myself with homemade sugar wax.. it worked perfectly. The hair stayed away for 3 weeks. I haven't tried to do it again bc I'm lazy. I have to make more wax.