Teeth whiting strips


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Jan 27, 2014

Hannah H.

I have fairly white teeth but want pure white teeth I've heard whiting strips work, has anyone used them?
If so have they made your teeth go sensitive someone told me they would?? Help

Jan 27, 2014

Sandra B.

They do make your teeth sensitive. I've tried. It doesn't really work either. And they taste bad :)

Jan 27, 2014

Amanda V.

I used Crest 3D white strips Advanced Vivid. I wore them for 2 weeks (but I actually got an extra week for free.) Those you only have to wear for 30 minutes. They really helped ALOT. I'm actually going to switch to a stronger pack though. They were sensitive but only when the strips were on. It's bearable, and in my opinion, completely worth it. Beauty is pain! 😉

Jan 27, 2014

Kennitta H.

Try lemon juice and baking soda mix into a paste scrum your teeth with it let it sit for like 2mins..then rinse with warm water...I tried strips made my teeth soo sensitive It was irritating.. but that works for me...lemon n baking soda or strawberry and baking soda.

Jan 27, 2014

Gabriela L.

I agree with Amanda!

Jan 27, 2014

Naomi L.

I also agree with amanda. I only got the 30minute ones & they didnt make my teeth sensitive at all. & yes they did work.

Jan 27, 2014

Angel C.

They work, but ONLY wear them for the recommended time. I accidentally left mine on for longer and my teeth were so sensitive I was having to chew on a washcloth to get them to stop irritating me...

Jan 27, 2014

Lisa S.

I really like Luster toothpaste, it really helps whiten my teeth. And I have yet to find strips that don't hurt my teeth, all the ones I tried were too strong for me.