My face burnt from Yes To. help!!


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Jan 27, 2014

Megan B.

I bought this yes to tomatoes face wash today that came with a mask. so I tried the mask and after a minute or so it really started to burn. now I'm as red as the tomatoes and my face is hot. Any tips please!

Jan 27, 2014

Emma K.

Put some aloe Vera on it.. or run an icecube all over your face.

Jan 27, 2014

Megan B.

I wish I had aloe. Ill try the ice cube. Thank you Em!

Jan 27, 2014

Vidvatta S.

Aloe if its on hand...dab cold water...I also use coconut oil on the burning area when I've just could try that out.

Jan 27, 2014

Lisa S.

Wash your face really good with something gentle, ice cube, and moisturize.

Jan 27, 2014

Megan B.

Thank you ladies for your insight. I put some Ponds moisturizer on and iced it and put more on. The redness is greatly reduced. That was so crazy though! I could see EXACTLY where the mask was on my face. :o

Thank you again :)