Did Birth Control Help your Hormonal acne.


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Jan 27, 2014

Sara S.

Fill me in? I am going to try it out, my current antibotics stopped working. And I have tried everything under the sun, seriously, so if you try suggesting it, chances are I've already done it. But fill me in with your testimonies if you have any. thank you! xo.

Jan 27, 2014

Shelley W.

I never used bc to clear up my skin but it caused horrible side effects that I'm still dealing with years later after stopping. Not worth it in my opinion. Have you investigated switching up your diet? That's what worked for me.

Jan 27, 2014

Sara S.

Ya, my diet is pretty good. I just get these clogged pores around my mouth ALWAYS and Then at times they turn into cystic acne, its just never ending. MY dermatologist put me on antibiotics few years ago because she said that I had an external bacteria.

Jan 27, 2014

Shelley W.

I also take flaxseed pills as suggested by Traci,another BL beauty, and after a month my hormonal acne cleared up. I know you just said your acne is from external bacteria but its worth trying out.

Jan 27, 2014

Madi O.

I have/had terrible hormonal acne and yes it did help but I would warn against it only for a few reasons. 1) every birth control is different. One birth control could help your acne while another could make it terribly worse. It's just chance. 2) bad side effects 3) when you go off of it it will be HELL and it will all break loose 4) you are messing with hormones and you don't know how you would react. This is chemical medicine for the long term. I had terrible hormonal migraines and acne and I went on the pill. I've been on it for 6 years and recently for no reason I've started getting my headaches and acne again and some new terrible symptoms. Apparently my body's hormones are messed up/attacking/getting used to the pill. Instead of doing medicine I would go the natural route with acupuncture, exercise, diet to balance hormones, and supplements (they have hormone balancing ones). Def talk to your general practitioner/derm/naturopathic dr about doing this. I've seen miracles for hormonal acne and I'm going to try it too! I'm going all natural everything. It's extreme, but for as many health issues I have that reg medicine isn't helping, I might as well try. Just do a lot of research!!

Jan 27, 2014

Dawn B.

My short answer is yes. I take generic ortho tri cyclen and it's worked wonders for my skin. I had pretty severe cystic acne on my chin, neck and back. I tried many many things from diet to just about every product imaginable. I was already on birth control for preventing pregnancy so I decided to switch to a brand that claims to help with acne. I maybe get one breakout a month now, during the week you take the inactive pills, and even then it's very mild. but there definitely are side effects as the other ladies mentioned. you really have to educate yourself and weigh the risks vs benefits, and if there are more natural options that you haven't tried I'd recommend trying those first.

Jan 27, 2014

Mary T.

Made my face progressively more pizza like the longer I tried it. Zit city. It did a lot of weird things to me! All emotional. Not worth it IMO. Have you ever tried a clarisonic? I had the cysts around my chin and mouth too. Not one since I got my Mia. Also making sure to use cleanser, toner and moisturizer twice a day constantly helps.

Jan 27, 2014

Shelley W.

@Mary...oh yeah...the emotional side effects were insane for me too. Depression city. And killer migraines. :(

Jan 27, 2014

Mary T.

@Shelley uh ya! I was all crazy and yelling at my man for nothing! Killed my libido and I had two periods a month for a while after I stopped the last time. I tried three different times for five mo each. No thanks!! I would start with like under ten zits and end up with like 30 after the five mo. So Sara, if you get any of that business quit right away!!

Jan 27, 2014

Valeria S.

Read 'woman code'...the author is a homeopathic woman's doctor that explains how to balance hormones and help acne, moods, studying, etc. I agree with many of the girls that duet/natural route is best. that book taught me what was best for each week of the 4 week cycle and how to avoid acne/mood swings, etc.