In the uk for milk of magnesia.


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Jan 22, 2014

Holly L.

I have really oily skin and everyone seems to have an obsession for this milk of magnesia. I went into holland and Barrett and asked if they sold any and the woman looked at me asif I'd asked to buy some kind of illegal drug which really frightened me and led to me hurrying out the shop and straight home to hide away 🙈 Can you buy it in the uk?? If so where? I read online it had been taken off shelves but this was some years ago, any ideas?

Jan 22, 2014

Hannah K.

Probably because milk of magnesia is used for relieving's also way too alkaline for human skin, so I don't recommend it anyway.

Jan 22, 2014

sehnaz G.

You might get it in chemist....I guess that's use as a laxative that's y they were looking at you I think lol.... Try it in chemist.

Jan 22, 2014

Nala H.

I don't know much about UK stores but go to like your local drugstore or grocery store that sells pharmaceuticals and it should be there with the laxatives

Jan 22, 2014

Eve K.

I'm from the UK lol never heard of that but I would defo try a pharmacy for that x

Jan 22, 2014

Karen G.

You can buy it on boots' online site. Apparently they have taken it off most store shelves in the uk but I might be wrong.

Jan 22, 2014

Wendy P.

Not sure of the uk has this but there's a product called mylanta. its basically the same thing different brand

Good old boots. We can get everything there lol.

Jan 23, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Look in the medicine aisle, it's usually for constipation hekp.

Jan 27, 2014

Ella B.

People are using milk of magnesia as a way of absorbing oiliness. it did help... I didn't see any shininess nor oiliness when used. I did however notice that a few uses my own skin pH balance was thrown off! I stopped using it pronto.