Will Birth Control Make My Skin Prettier?


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Jan 22, 2014

Andrea P.

Anyone on birth control... did it make your skin prettier and clearer? and did it make your hair thicker and boobs bigger??(:

Jan 22, 2014

Andrea P.

Cause I have bad acne and my doctor said it'll help

Jan 22, 2014

Nala H.

Lol no. I had none of that. But my boobs are already big, my hair is thick and my skin is tolerable lol it just helped me have periods.

Jan 22, 2014

Sidra S.

There's no such thing sweety.. it's good to use a birth control as a birth control. Please don't use it for other stupid reasons. everybody is pretty in their own way. you don't need birth control to change that. :) and if you're on birth control and you see some physical changes so that's temporary. and as soon as you stop using it it will go away.

Jan 22, 2014

Kat A.

Lol it won't make your boobs bigger, only implants do that. well & being pregnant/breastfeeding haha. & your hair doesn't get thicker either. but if your doctor said it could help your acne, I don't think he was lying :)

Jan 22, 2014

Stephanie P.

Andrea yea it may work it did so for my friend her skin cleared and her hair grew thicker.

Jan 22, 2014

Kat A.

I wouldn't recommend the depo shot or whatever it's called. I've heard first hand from many women who chose that option after having their babies around the same time as me, & most hated it. it can definitely cause some weight gain. make sure you do a lot of research on birth control methods before deciding so you know all possible side effects & what works best for you.

Jan 22, 2014

Janet M.

Birth control can help control acne if its hormonal. However you may have to try different birth controls since each pill has different hormone levels. Yes the bcp can affect your weight, your breast size and skin. Also there's really no "stupid" reason to use the pill, if you want to fix acne that's defiantly not a stupid reason.
It changes your hormone make up so once you go of the pill your acne may go back to normal. I was studying to be a sexologist however I would recommend talking to your doctor as they will know your health history better as certain pills may work better than others for you. Also tell the doctor why you want to take the pill. They may suggest or give you other medication. Hope this helps. Sorry it was so long.

Jan 22, 2014

Stephanie P.

I agrees with Janet. ^

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

I just looked very close @ all your pics & may I ask what in the world do you thinks wrong with your skin?? Its flawless! & as far as wanting bigger boobs, no you don't!! Trust me! The bigger they are, the heavier, the heavier, of course the more pull on the skin over the years & that my friend is where saggy titties come from! & Its totally unavoidable to an extent! You can sleep In bras, exercise & no matter, if they're big by middle age, they start the migration south! Stay just how you are! Your very lucky to have the skin & body you do have! Feel blessed because you are <3

Jan 22, 2014

Brianna W.

Janet is about the only person who used some sense in this. She's totally right. Ask your doctor their opinion for a more personalized answer. I am on birth control for acne, no other reason. I don't know if I see a difference in anything, it's been almost 2 months. But birth control effects hormones. Anyone who spent a second paying attention during sex ed knows hormones play a huge part in every aspect of your body. Your moods, periods, skin, everything. The trick is finding a right one for you.

Jan 22, 2014

Brianna W.

So MAYBE birth control will make your skin clearer, your boobs bigger. I'm not sure if it will make your hair thicker. It'll only help acne if it's hormone related which a lot of times that's a part of it.

Jan 22, 2014

Lauren M.

Lisa just cracked me up!! In my opinion they can help. Depends on the type of acne you have. The depo shot never made me gain weight or any other bc... Idk, I think if your working out and eating healthy you shouldn't have a problem with weight. My friend gained weight but that's because she didn't workout or eat right. So DUH your going to gain.

Jan 22, 2014

Lisa M.

I'm a 40 yr old (young) woman! I think I most definitely know about hormones!! Things that NO amount of sex ed could ever prepare one for!! Yes birth control will help with acne if its caused by hormones! I just don't see anything about your skin Andrea that would warrant such extreme measures as birth control! Your skin is beautiful & I would ask Traci or Shelley who are skin care experts! They can help you in much better ways than taking a medication that may mess up your hormonal balance even worse. All young ladies & boys go through hormonal changes during & even for some time after puberty that will cause skin to react in many different ways! My skin even to this day will break out during my cycle & I usually don't have any acne problems due to my skin care regimen. Ask those ladies & they can defiantly steer you in the right direction!

Jan 22, 2014

Maxime M.

I also got birth control for my severe acne and after two months everything was gone. my skin is flawless now, accept for an occasional pimpel when its that time of the month... I think yoi should definitely give it a try!

Jan 22, 2014

Kirsten T.

They do actually have medication for acne. My brother took it for a short period of time and he never got acne again. Really, it's like magic. I would suggest going to your doctor and taking to them about it.

Jan 22, 2014

Kirsten T.

Not just any doctor, a dermatologist is your best bet...

Jan 22, 2014

Jessica P.

There is a birth control out there that studies say help with acne not all of them do its called ortho tri-cyclen.

Jan 22, 2014

Mary T.

It did not help my skin ever. It made me way worse. Every time I tried it I would go from five zits to 50 zits in about 6 mo. Not for everyone. When I was on the pill nothing cleared my skin til the day I stopped taking them. I even tried a few different times and kinds

Jan 22, 2014

Claire R.

I agree with Lisa!! You don't need it, your beautiful just the way you are! God made you just the way he wanted you to be. And I understand acne can be a struggle but, there's nothing that can make you perfect. Beauty comes from the heart.

Jan 22, 2014

Grace K.

It made my skin WORSE :( And my boobs got bigger but only because I gained weight, although the weight gain wasn't due to my birth control. It was due to cupcakes lmfao.

Jan 22, 2014

Adrianna E.

I think it depends on the pill and hormone level it has...my friend got on birth control for the purpose of helping her acne and it did nothing at all for her. I used to get a few pimples every once in a while and I've been on birth control for the past almost 2 years since I got married for the actual purpose of birth control and I've only gotten a pimple maybe 3 times max since...so I really do think it depends on each individual person, their prescription and the severity of their acne or pimples. As far as boobs and hair I can't really say...I haven't noticed any changes in my hair. I have gone up a cup size, but I've also gained some weight since I got married, so I doubt it has to do with the pill lol.

Jan 22, 2014

Melissa A.

It really varies from person to person but for me personally my face started clearing up after a month of using it. But I didn't become a supermodel with amazing hair and big boobs lol

Jan 22, 2014

Shelley W.

Ok, I'm elderly compared to you beautiful young ladies. Let me dispel some myths. I've been on several forms of bc and from my personal experience it was a hit n miss when it came to controlling my acne with them. Its all a chemistry game...one that was marketed to clear my skin of acne did absolutely nothing. The Patch was hell...the shot was a beast and dermal bc was a nightmare. Everyone is different. There are even some who just can't tolerate bc period. As far as boobs getting bigger...its all temporary and as soon as you stop taking the bc those beautiful boobs go bye bye. And some don't even experience enlarged breasts from the meds. I no longer take the stuff due to health reasons but I do not rely on prescription meds to control my acne. I just stick to my multivitamin and flaxseed oil pills which by the way is great at addressing hormonal acne. Your regular doctor only has the ability to address what is going on internally in your body so going to him/or her for skincare advice is a joke. They are always quick to pitch the bc as the cure all. So dermo who is knowledgeable in adolescents skincare is the best person to address your issues. And making hair thicker...some women experience thinning hair while on bc. My personal take is that one should only resort to prescription meds if they have exhausted everything else to lessen the acne (including changing one's diet).

Jan 22, 2014

Shelley W.

@Andrea...I'm not seeing bad acne. ;)