I need some ideas.


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Feb 9, 2014

Sully Scout B.

Add glitter (:

Feb 9, 2014

Anna S.

You can put a shimmery champagne eyeshadow on your lid if you whant to try putting a light brown eyeshadow in your crease maskara and a nude eyeliner on your waterline also try a cream blush.

Feb 9, 2014

Chelsea S.

Colorful eyeliner in your lower lash waterline will liven up your eyes just make sure to use a waterproof liner

Feb 9, 2014

Kayt S.

You could go for a brighter tinted lip balm, Cherry Me and the other colors by Babylips are amazing 💝

Feb 9, 2014

Hannah K.

I used to just wear different colored liner every day. Heck, I still do. Easiest way to change up your look.

Feb 9, 2014

Hannah R.

You could try this? I know it's kind of "out there" but I'm sure you can change it to suit you :) x

Feb 9, 2014

Berkeley K.

This picture is weird, but you could try some matte pink lipstick :)

Feb 9, 2014

Hannah R.

Or maybe keep it simple and subtle.

Feb 9, 2014

Hannah R.

or this?