Best Facial Steamer?


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Nov 11, 2012

Madison M.

I have really bad blocked pores and blackheads and I was wandering what was the best steamer out there to really open up my pores?

the cheap and convenient way: hot water on a rag or bringing hot water to a complete boil.turn off the stove, placing your face(carefully) over the hot boil for 3-5 mins 

Nov 11, 2012

Courtney B.

I usually just boil some water, put it in a large bowl, and stand over it with a towel over my head to keep the steam in. I like using Lush's Toner Tabs when I do this, and it sounds like the Tea Tree one would be best for your skin. You could probably just put a few drops of tea tree oil in with your water if you don't have a Lush nearby or don't wanna order online.