Flavored tea for hair??


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Jan 25, 2014

Paula M.

Hey guys, I read somewhere that you can use flavored tea in hair rinses to make the hair smell nice, is it true?

I don't use shampoo or conditioner so I it would be nice to have my hair smell like strawberry and mint and other fruits again.

Also I've had coconut oil in my hair for a few days now (I've been sick) and I'm just wondering if anyone has any tips for washing it out, without shampoo? I really struggle!

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

Hey Paula! I have a friend who doesn't use chemicals on her hair eithet, she uses a Henna by Lush to wash her haur out every 15 days, the Henna also colours her hair temporarily. Also, about Herbal teas, Rose hip and Chamomile tea with a few drops if tea tree oil is used by my local spa for calming the scalp down, however, the pleasant odour of the herbs dies soon after so I don't think it'd do a good job at making hair fragrant.

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

*either, *hair

Jan 25, 2014

Paula M.

What's the henna thing Ame? I don't think we have lush here though. I have chamomile and strawberry tea I suppose I could give it a go I suppose, I have green tea too, do you think that would work too?

Jan 25, 2014

Valeria S.

Tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, green tea.

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

Henna is a kind of a natural hair dye, it is obtained from the leaves of a bushy plant, is very common in Asia where the paste of crushed, dried Henna leaves with water is used for making temporary tattoos on the hands and arms (sometimes feet) of brides and grooms in Indian and Arabic cultures. Henna acts as a great conditioner for hair and the same paste of crushed and dried Henna leaves is left on hair as a hair mask for three or four hours to impart a peculiar red colour to the strands and also soften it. Lush cosmetics has a type of Henna which they sell for washing hair without shampoo and conditioner, it does get rid of all the coconut oil, I have seen that cuz my friend uses coconut oil regularly, but it has a really awful smell. Hope I helped.

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

Also, Paula, honestly I think it is really hard to not use shampoo and conditioner and still survive, I have seen horrors and major disasters that my roomie's hair suffered from since two years, I.e, when she stopped using chemicals. I must say, your hair looks pretty darned good even when you're not using chemicals! kudos to you girl!

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

And also, one last thing, my mum is a doctor, and she would advise you to drink the green tea in order to improve your hair health cuz she thinks skin and hair respond better to antioxidants taken internally than topically. :)

Jan 25, 2014

Paula M.

Ooooo thanks so much Ame!! Righty oh I shall follow mothers advice and just drink it :) and ill defo get my search on for this henna stuff I already have a reddish tint to my hair so that would be great for me! And thanks I have been chemical free for nearly a year now and it's taken up a lot of my time trying new things out but it's sooo much fun, I really enjoy it and since my husband got promoted I don't have to work as much so more time for my hair :)

Jan 25, 2014

Ame S.

You're welcome and here's an interesting blog, this lady has coloured her hair with lush Henna in tedious details: 

Jan 25, 2014

Shelley W.

I'm with Ame. I take a majority of my antioxidants internally...flaxseed oil pills and salmon for the Omega's plus I guzzle hot green tea like water (can't drink it cold as it has lost all its healthy nutrients). I usually get in about 4 mugs a day and its organic so I can avoid the pesticides.

Jan 25, 2014

Paula M.

I didn't realize green tea was so good for you, I'll have to dig it out from the back of the cupboard!