Getting a year older and still rockin crazy colors.


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Jan 25, 2014

Lisa M.

Omg Ema.. that couldn't have came out a better teal!! Its a perfect teal color, prettier than I've seen of actual teal dyes!! Actually you know what? That's like an emerald green. That's the exact shade of eyeshadow I've been searching for. I freakin LOVE it!! Well done!!

Jan 25, 2014

Lisa M.

I'm 40 & have the side of my head shaved almost bald & bright blue bangs!! Who cares about age!!?! I'm most definitely a very proud noncomformist who continues to break the age "rules" & will always!! You go girl!!

Michele S.

Jan 25, 2014

Michele S.

Ikr Lisa, her hair is rockin.. Still remains me of mermaids lol.

Jan 25, 2014

Lisa S.

Yes! I'm 35 and I have blue, pink, purple & a little red (for good measure lol)

Jan 25, 2014

Heather I.

Love that color Ema!

Michele S.

Jan 25, 2014

Michele S.

You go Lisa S!!