Hair growth tips


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Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

I cut my hair in a short hairstyle. My hair generally grows pretty fast, but I need some tips on how to get it to maybe grow a little faster and grow on healthy. I don't want to have to straighten it often. My hair is naturally curly.

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

Another pic

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

My sides are short

Jan 26, 2014

Kat A.

You just have to keep it healthy. your hair growth rate is genetic so you can't make it grow any faster than it would at it's healthiest. I can give you tips on how to keep it healthy though. oh & a lot of people think mane n tail or biotin will make it grow fast. not true. mane n tail is terrible for your hair. it will make it brittle & all the wax just weighs your hair down. it's not ph balanced for human hair. & biotin is meant for people with a biotin deficiency. so talk to your doctor before taking pills. otherwise you could end up with bad side effects.

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

Thanks Erin! I will definitely do that.

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

Lili, thanks for that info. I mean my hat grows at a great rate. But yes I'd love tops to keep it healthy. Thank tou.

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah K.

The easiest way to make your hair grow faster is to keep it healthy. Don't mistake me, the rate at which your hair grows is determined by genetics, and nothing you can do will make your hair grow faster than it naturally would at its healthiest.

Invest in a sulfate and sodium chloride free shampoo and conditioner (I like the L'oreal EverStrong, but I'm not sure how that would work on African American hair), and a hair mask or deep conditioner (I like Macadamia Deep Repair Masque and the L'oreal Power Moisture Mask, but again, I'm not sure, maybe try Shea Moisture, I've heard good things about it). In the shower, wash your hair first thing. After that, apply your mask, focusing on the ends of your hair. Leave it that way for the rest of your shower, washing it out should be the last thing you do. I wash my hair around 3 times a week (with dry hair I can get away with it) and do the hair mask every time. If you need to wash your hair more than that, reduce your hair mask usage to 3 times :)

In terms of heat protectors, I like the Tressemme and It's a 10 Leave in Plus Keratin. However, I advise you to cut out heat styling as much as possible.

That's my hair routine, my entire head is bleached and it is just as healthy as it was before I dyed it. I'd recommend asking Kitty K and Isabel, as they both have ethnic hair as well and have great haircare tips.

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

Also, Erin should I condition it daily? Or use any type of curl activator to keep my curls curly lol.

Jan 26, 2014

Aliyah A.

Thanks Hannah!

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah K.

Happy to help :)

Jan 26, 2014

Kat A.

Eat healthy & drink a lot of water. use as little heat as possible. when you do use heat try It's a 10 heat protectant. use a sulfate free shampoo & conditioner. L'oreal Everstrong is a great line. try coconut oil as a strengthening treatment. Aussie 3 minute miracle is a good deep conditioner :)

Jan 26, 2014

Kat A.

Oh & get trims as necessary!

Jan 26, 2014

Kitty K.

You cannot make your hair grow faster. Nor are there any products to make your hair grow faster. So don't fall into any pills or product claiming to make faster hair growth.
To begin with, you want to do is STIMULATE hair growth and encourage the strength and health of your hair.
Genetics play a major role here, your hair is meant to grow up to a certain length before falling off ( like how some people have shorter lashes than others)... So if super long hair doesn't run in the family, don't get so bummed out if your hair stays at a certain length.

To help you out here.. Two common answers on BL have been to use Mane n' Tail and Biotin. You should avoid these, however...

Mane n' tail shampoo/conditioner is not PH balanced for human hair or scalp, over time it begins to dry out your hair and make it brittle ( Scientifically, and speaking from personal experience with this one. )
The reason people claim Mane n' tail makes your hair grow is because of the heavy amount of wax in it. The wax present in Mane N' tail simply weighs down your hair and this wax can actually cause flakes. The wax in Mane n' tail is the reason for dullness, and dryness that it can cause. The wax builds up on your hair and overtime causes that side effect. In other words, Mane n Tail is as effective as lard.

Do NOT Take Biotin, especially without consulting a doctor. Biotin is initially meant for those who have a biotin deficiency or a related illness. Taking biotin is not needed as you get enough from your own intake of food.
Biotin can also yield nasty side effects, many girls ( some on here ) failed to yield the warning and ended up with high fever, vomiting throughout the day, mild to severe acne.. some as odd as getting acne on your legs. Biotin is also NOT approved by the FDA. There are foods that contain Biotin already ( Peanut butter is a good example. ) It is better to look up foods rich in Biotin. And believe it or not, you can make your own Biotin rich smoothie.( A yummy smoothie just for hair growth and no side effects vs a pill not approved by our own sketchy government is enough say for me at least. )

Following a healthy diet is essential for hair growth. Take proteins into consideration, such as keratin which makes up most of your hair.
Your body needs to produce more amino acids to increase hair growth. Proteins can come from eggs, nuts, beans, fish, etc.

Check with your doctor to make sure you don't have any deficiencies. Iron and zinc play a big component in hair growth as well as nail growth. Cereal, breads, pastas, have a healthy level of iron and zinc.
Make sure you take enough vitamin C as well ( Lack of such vitamin can cause dry, dull, and weakened hair... Citrus fruits, strawberries, guava, broccoli, kale, peppers, etc.have a good amount of Vitamin C. )
Consume healthy fats such as unsaturated fats and fatty acids such as omega-3's. Fats are indispensable to hair growth.

Exercising, scalp massages, and avoiding stress. Exercising allows blood to flow to your head, and massaging your hair stimulates new hair growth ( for at least 5 minutes when you wash your hair or apply a product, massage your scalp. )
Stress causes hair to fall out so avoid stress if you can.

Hair masks and treatments are a must. Stick to treatments involving Coconut oil. Coconut Oil stimulates hair growth because it penetrates deep into your hair follicles ( and is considered protein. )
Oils work great for hair, for maximum benefits heat them up indirectly. ( Heat up a cup of water in your microwave for two minutes, and in a separate enclosed container with your hair masks, place it in the cup of water to heat it indirectly. )

Avoid heat if you can.
You don't need to get a haircut every x number of months, that just causes it to stay at the same length.
Get a cut if you really need to ( dead ends, split ends, etc ), cutting hair won't just randomly make it grow twice as fast.

You can wash your hair everyday, it's shampooing you want to stray from because it's very stripping. Shampoo your scalp ONLY.
Don't rinse out all of your conditioner. This helps immensely and when you wash your hair again it will be de-tangled. Stick to moisturizing your hair 100%.
Try to brush your hair outside of the shower with a wide tooth comb.

If you have any questions - feel free to contact me. I am in the process of growing out my hair and the above has really helped me. I have a few in progress photos on my profile if you'd like to check them out.

This is pretty much the timeline I uploaded yesterday on my blog... I have curly ethnic hair and a bad haircut wasn't allowing me to wear my hair down! My curls are really tight so even though it's gotten so long - when dry and curly it looks like I got a bob! lol.