I need help


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Jan 26, 2014

Lindsay H.

My skin is kinda red and blotchy
I'm pale but Then its like I'm not pale I'm just red and it's weird
I don't like wearing foundation and bb creams because I don't like the feeling of them and I like my face to be able to breath is there any natural or creams or anythings that could even my skin tone out??
Any thing helps thanks everyone

Jan 26, 2014

Christi D.

I'm following this because I have the same problem thanks.

Jan 26, 2014

Alycia K.

rosewater toner!!

Jan 26, 2014

Dianna H.

I have the same problem. I've tried a few creams but none of them really helped. I find that being very, very gentle with my skin does help the redness go down. By this I mean: no extreme temperatures or wind or lots of sun, no hot showers or harsh soaps and exfoliants. No scrubbing or rubbing. Just, be very gentle and use non-drying products designed for sensitive skin. It doesn't make my redness disappear, but it does help a noticeable amount.