Beauty blogs suggestions


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Jan 26, 2014

Mathilde A.


Do you know a good beauty blog?

Or/and a good blog website where you can make your own for free?

Thank you <33

Jan 26, 2014

Mikayla B.

I love

Jan 26, 2014

Jenna A.

Sorry just tagging myself onto this question... (I want to know to!)

Jan 26, 2014

ramie x.

I think you can make one at blogspot I'm not sure, google it first

Jan 26, 2014

Mikayla B. is one.

Jan 26, 2014

Mathilde A.

Thank you!

Jan 26, 2014

MaKenzie T.

I just started mine...

Jan 27, 2014

Nicola D.

I use for mine they are part of google

Jan 27, 2014

Chloe L.

Follow mine if you like! :) Hello, I really enjoy reading your blog! :)