An idea for my wedding, in the future.


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Jan 26, 2014

Shannon B.

So I was thinking. Instead of getting a really expensive wedding dress I'm only going to wear once. I could just buy a prom dress in white for my wedding. I feel that it is smarter then getting a really expensive wedding dress.
What do you girls think?

Jan 26, 2014

Delight s.

I believe on sending the money on you and your future husband... I'm not paying for people to come see me get married... its about my vows and the future.. not about the people... the guess should be paying for the whole wedding.. I'm do a destination wedding.

Jan 26, 2014

Delight s.

For got to say congratulation.

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah K.

That's a brilliant idea, as it saves money and I believe in exactly what Delight said, it's about the vows and your future, it's not about what you wear. I know people who have got two witnesses off the street, went to a registry office and got married in jeans and tshirts with two random people, and to me that's marriage, it shouldn't be a display of how much money you can throw into something.

Jan 26, 2014

Shannon B.

I definitely agree with you girls :)

Hannah, I would actually just go to a registry office and do that in the future, but my parents want an actual wedding.

Jan 26, 2014

Hannah K.

Aw:) my parents want me to have an actual wedding too, where they can invite 300 people I don't know. But that's what I want too, I want to go to a registry office with my parents and his parents and get married without the fuss and bother:)