Beautylish is a positive environment!


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Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.


Jan 24, 2014

Nina S.

yes girl!

True!! 💕💖

Michele S.

Jan 24, 2014

Michele S.

Agree fully

Jan 24, 2014

Tara G.

I totally agree Lisa, positivity and only constructive criticism.

Jan 24, 2014

Dominique L.

Love it 👏👏

Jan 24, 2014

Alma M.

I have to be honest,I do believe this to a point now this could be my MUA mind but in order to achieve what your asking for is to take in even what most may not like to hear is suggestions and truth if your trying to improve in the makeup world or just get better with application.After all I personally like seeing growth and improvement.I do think this is a positive site full of talent, sometimes I refuse to not be dishonest when someone is trying to get true feed back in a constructive manner.I don't believe its weakness I believe in going for it and you can get better at it don't feel that your weak,feel like your a step closer to greatness.I won't pass out pretty tickets all day,I will however pass out your worth it and keep going towards your dream tickets :-) The word weak in its self just doesn't fly with me because everyone has potential to be great when you put your mind to it.This is just my odd thought of the day lol.

Jan 24, 2014

Yaya B.

Absolutely LisA...and you know that post was soo uncalled for... I'm not going to point it out here but really?? lol

Jan 24, 2014

Yaya B.

For some girls to pretend to be psychologist and tell a girl she got self esteem issues because she simply asked how to change what she feels is a dull look is just wrong. give positive feedback on the questions asked mo more crazy unrelated comments.

Jan 24, 2014

Lori C.

Alma, I agree at least just speaking for myself that when I ask for input I want true constructive criticism, not bs. I do however, expect it to be done in a constructive not a destructive way. We should be strong enough to hear the truth but not in an insulting manner.

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Ikr? Alma.. Yes I totally agree with your views also but in a nice way is all we're saying. Some of the remarks lately have just been so mean & uncalled for!! Like all that total BS that happened with Michele recently or calling people names or when someone is asking for mu tips or hair tips telling them they may need to seek psych help in so many words or less. I've just noticed lately a good bit of really hurtfull comments & as adults we can tell when someone is fragile or not & maybe just needs confirmation that they're not (whatever it is that someone may have called them or if they're being abused & just need picked up) There is a huge difference! Absolutely I agree with you Alma about helping each other become better skilled & teaching people the proper way of achieving the goal their after! I made this post just to remind people to be nice! To not damage already fragile people or to help gently & lovingly. I hope I'm making sense I feel like I'm just rambling! Ok, here is another example. A few weeks ago this little girl made a post titled "Should I Change" now to me, just the topic heading told me that something was going on. Like someone has told her she needs a change or something had to of made her feel this way! Well, some of the comments made to her were far from the nice way of helping that we're talking about!! It really made me sad :'( for her. That's all I'm trying to remind people or some to not be so nasty! A few of the younger crowd who have joined the BL "family" lately also don't know how this site is run & have been using it like just a social networking site. Anyway, Ill get off of my soap box now. Lol.. The message is... Lets all play nice! & for those who may not understand what this site is, to read the mission & guidelines.

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Just seen your e-mail Alma. I was busy ranting on & on when you posted it. Sorry! Idk how the website is but the app I don't see any new posts added to the topic until I actually hit post when I'm typing the comment.

Jan 24, 2014

Traci L.

I Agree with you completely Lisa people need to learn how to be helpful without crushing a person's spirt ,

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Yes Lori..that's exactly what I'm saying!! It took me about 500 more words though! Lol.. But seriously..yes that's what my poster message is supposed to convey!! I agree with Alma about the word "weakness" now that I think about it. I'm not sure what word would be better & convey the same message? Hmm..

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Yes Traci, exactly! (((Hugs)))) to all you sweethearts that agree with this message!!

Jan 24, 2014

Alma M.

I understand what your saying Lisa and I agree,I came into this convo thinking about this in an artistic way versus issues here on BL now if ever any of you see down right disrespect PLEASE flag it or let Beautylish know which I recommend everyone to save the email address it's or reach out to any of us to let us know because most of the time we catch stuff but sometimes we don't and it would be great as a community to be responsive to any bad issue.I woke up this morning to a thigh gap thread that was over loaded with comments and that's not good because rather then be involved in such a subject everyone should have flagged that thread! I understand they were trying to let her know that she shouldn't try to look like that but instead it kept this issue going and that does not help because like you have said so many go through things but in NO way does beautylish condone those issues.I don't like to see other's argue and if any see that don't waste your time adding to the fuel JUST Stop the flames pour water over it by flagging or letting BL know.So much can be prevented by reaching out.Thanks for the convo Lisa and your concern Please always feel free to let us know of any issue.

Jan 24, 2014

Lisa M.

Thank You so much Alma for all you, Jacquline & the rest of the BL team do to keep this site a positive & enjoyable environment!! I don't think from the app we can flag but Ill be sure to let you all know of anything inappropriate going on if I'm on here & see it!! Maybe you all could make a forum announcement encouraging others to do what you've suggested to me in this thread? The not fueling the fires & respecting one another & info on what others can do to help BL to be a safe & positive site? That way the word will not only get out that things like disrespect, cruelty, insults or dangerous behaviors (Thigh gaps) will NOT be tolerated & not only the BL staff will be monitoring but all the potential people reading it! That may curb a lot of it & it will let the people using the site know that they can help with BL, how to & all?!?! & leave it up like the forum announcement for awhile for the most people to see it & to know the staff & us who love the site & the people who are a part of it aren't going to tolerate any negative behaviors? Just a thought... You have a lovely evening & night Miss Alma <3.

Jan 24, 2014

Mikayla B.

I agree! But if someone asks me of something looks good, I'm going to be honest. So if it hurts their feelings, I'm just trying to help!

Jan 24, 2014

Emily W.

Part of the problem is that if you do give genuine constructive criticism (or say anything that isn't "oh em gee you're like totes amazing so cute wow") you get jumped on for being rude, mean, and you get told to leave the site because "nobody asked you and if you don't like it just shut up". There's a huge difference between polite dissention, constructive criticism, and genuine feedback and being rude for the sake of being rude. There are a lot of people here that need to learn that, and stop attacking people for being honest. Otherwise, this community is going to devolve into a useless bunch of lunks giving false compliments all the time and no one will ever improve.

Jan 25, 2014

Nina S.

I think good constructive criticism is fine. When asked. I don't think posting nasty remarks like, "That doesn't look good" when nobody even asked for an opinion.When asking for others critique, it obviously opens comments, but we should know better as to what's polite and what's not. I don't mean that honesty isn't polite, but leaving an honest, helpful comment shows class.

Jan 25, 2014

Nina S.

So yeah, I agree, @Emily W lol.

Jan 25, 2014

Grace K.

I love this Lisa! <3333

Jan 25, 2014

Nina S.

Lol @Raquel! same here though. I have my thoughts for sure lol.

Jan 25, 2014

Babyboop A.

Amen Mrs.Lisa

Jan 25, 2014

Heather I.

Michelle, you are brave, and an inspiration. Keep doing you!